Making Networks Happen: Cooperation for Sustainability Transitions

On March 1st, 2022, at the Milan seat of Confcooperative Lombardia, in the framework of POLITIKÉ, ‘the political school’ offered in collaboration with the Bassetti Foundation for Responsible Innovation, industrial biotechnologist Maurizio Bettiga and cultural anthropologist Cristina Grasseni jointly led a workshopping session involving 25 leading operators from the cooperative world (presidents, heads of service ... Making Networks Happen: Cooperation for Sustainability Transitions

Redazione FGB

OECD Conference on Technology in and for Society, December 2021

In this post I would like to offer some take-aways and personal thoughts on the recent OECD Conference on Technology in and for Society, held on the 6th and 7th of December 2021. Innovating Well for Inclusive Transitions The conference rationale was Innovating Well for Inclusive Transitions, based upon the supposition that the world faces ... OECD Conference on Technology in and for Society, December 2021

Jonathan Hankins

Open Rank Positions at Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology

The Graduate School of Science and Technology Policy (STP) at the Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST) is seeking to hire tenure-track faculty members (open rank) in two research clusters: AI Policy and Infrastructure Policy. Applications are welcome from scholars who are trained in any disciplinary and methodological traditions within humanities and social ... Open Rank Positions at Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology

Redazione FGB

Book Review: Implementing Responsible Research and Innovation. Organisational and National Conditions.

Implementing Responsible Research and Innovation Organisational and National Conditions is a Springer Brief in Ethics written by Christian Wittrock, Ellen-Marie Forsberg, Auke Pols, Philip Macnaghten and David Ludwig, several of whom will be familiar names to Bassetti Foundation followers. The book is an analysis of data collected in the EU Horizon 2020 RRI-Practice study and ... Book Review: Implementing Responsible Research and Innovation. Organisational and National Conditions.

Jonathan Hankins

Responsibility-by-design – Guidelines to develop long-term strategies (roadmaps) to innovate responsibly

On 26 October 2021 the European Committee for Standardization (CEN) published the CWA 17796 Responsibility-by-design – Guidelines to develop long-term strategies (roadmaps) to innovate responsibly. CEN is an association that brings together the National Standardization Bodies of 34 European countries, providing a platform for the development of European Standards and other technical documents in relation ... Responsibility-by-design – Guidelines to develop long-term strategies (roadmaps) to innovate responsibly

Jonathan Hankins

MARIE Webinar Week: A Review

After more than 4 years in operation, between 7-9 September 2021 the MARIE Interreg project hosted 3 days of seminars, with networking slots and video drops and some light-hearted fun. Day 1 The topic for the first day was Responsibility and sustainable strategies: Moving Towards S4+. After taking a voluntary quiz and language lesson about ... MARIE Webinar Week: A Review

Redazione FGB

Notte europea del ricercatore: la prolusione di Piero Bassetti all’Università della Tuscia

Oltre lo specchio di Alice, governare l’innovazione: il caso del movimento per la italica community Università della Tuscia, Viterbo, 23 settembre 2021, in occasione della Notte europea del ricercatore. Sono particolarmente grato al Magnifico Rettore, prof. Stefano Ubertini, per l’onore di questa tribuna. E lo sono per due ben precisi motivi. Primo, perché consentendomi di ... Notte europea del ricercatore: la prolusione di Piero Bassetti all’Università della Tuscia

Piero Bassetti

Il festival Ri-Costituente a Morbegno

Il Festival Ri-Costituente 2021 si terrà a Morbegno il 25 settembre 2021. Si tratta di un evento di incontri in presenza, nato per dare parola ai giovani. Quest’anno il tema sarà “Ri-Costituire sostenibilità” e a questo link trovate il programma. Il Festival è in realtà il punto di arrivo del lavoro annuale del progetto “Ri-costituente: ... Il festival Ri-Costituente a Morbegno

Redazione FGB

MARIE Webinar week – 7-9 September 2021

Interreg Europe MARIE is the first interregional project to focus on responsible innovation in public policies. On 7th, 8th and 9th September 2021, MARIE Webinar Week will take place broadcasting a series of short events with updates on the project’s achievements. During the last four and a half years, MARIE partners worked together on understanding ... MARIE Webinar week – 7-9 September 2021

Redazione FGB

Voltare pagina, oltre il vaccino: chi decide le politiche in uscita dalla pandemia.

(vai a: video, podcast, screenshot) Nel tempo lungo della pandemia, decisioni cariche di un sapere specialistico, in particolare biomedico, hanno vista riconosciuta un’autorità epistemica senza precedenti. Fin dal febbraio 2020 scelte doverose e drastiche sono passate dal legittimo processo politico, pur declinato nelle misure emergenziali e nella decretazione del presidente del consiglio. Certamente però i ... Voltare pagina, oltre il vaccino: chi decide le politiche in uscita dalla pandemia.

Francesco Samorè