Building a biotech cluster: a meeting with Eliot Forster

On the 22nd of November 2018, the Bassetti Foundation had the pleasure and honour of hosting the “Building a biotech cluster: the MedCity experience” seminar, an audience with Eliot Forster. The speaker is President of the MedCity project, whose aim is to promote the natural sciences in the London/Cambridge/Oxford “Golden Triangle”. The fruits of a ... Building a biotech cluster: a meeting with Eliot Forster

Anna Pellizzone
Redazione FGB

Summer School sulla Bio-based Economy in Università degli Studi Milano Bicocca. I vincitori delle borse di studio.

Assegnate le borse di studio Fondazione Giannino Bassetti per la Summer School “Towards a Bio-based Economy: science, innovation, economics, education” presso l’Università degli Studi Milano Bicocca. La call for applications, che abbiamo lanciato in maggio nella nostra sezione dedicata alle “opportunities” (bandi, grants, calls, eccetera) ha visto vincitori Vera Dickhoff e Fidelis Funwi Che. Alla ... Summer School sulla Bio-based Economy in Università degli Studi Milano Bicocca. I vincitori delle borse di studio.

Redazione FGB

Bio-based Economy from a Responsible Innovation Perspective

On Friday 9 September 2017, Bassetti Foundation Foreign Correspondent Jonathan Hankins delivered a lecture at the Milan Bicocca University. The Lecture formed part of the program of the Towards a Bio-based Economy: Science, Innovation, Economics, Education Summer School, jointly hosted by Milan’s Bicocca and Gothenburg’s Chalmers universities. The five day summer school featured interventions from ... Bio-based Economy from a Responsible Innovation Perspective

Redazione FGB

Postdoctoral Researcher in Responsible Innovation in Industry

Wageningen University in the Netherlands has advertised a vacancy for a Postdoctoral Researcher Responsible Innovation in Industry within the NewHoRRIzon Project. The position is ideal for someone who holds a PhD in the field of Business Ethics, responsible innovation (RI) or Sustainable Entrepreneurship. The Project “Excellence in science and innovation for Europe by adopting the ... Postdoctoral Researcher in Responsible Innovation in Industry

Redazione FGB

Open Position: Scientific Content Producer

The Communication Group of The Computer, Electrical and Mathematical Sciences and Engineering Division (CEMSE) of the King Abdullah University of Science and Technology (KAUST) are advertising a new position. The post is for a Scientific Content Producer who will work in a small team on the production, distribution and monitoring of the Division’s communication. The ... Open Position: Scientific Content Producer

Redazione FGB

Blogging Responsible Innovation

In this post I would like to take a look at how and where Responsible Innovation is addressed through blogging. Last week saw the launch of the (University of) Manchester Policy Blogs. The blogs provide a platform for researchers and academics to blog about policy-related issues, including how science policy relates to and interacts with ... Blogging Responsible Innovation

Jonathan Hankins

Making Science Public

On Monday 11th of February The University of Nottingham Department of Sociology and Social Policy are having a public event to launch their 2013 Research program. The program is sponsored by the Leverhulme Trust in collaboration with the University of Warwick and the University of Sheffield and is titled “Making Science Public”. The Key note ... Making Science Public

Redazione FGB

University and Society: Challenges and Opportunities

International Workshop Italy, Bergamo, 15 October 2012 University of Bergamo, Sant’Agostino, room 5 Presentation In recent years, while European universities have been undergoing severe reforms, the economic and social crisis has stressed the importance of Higher Education, specifically in terms of young human capital development, as well as ‘territorial’ and social impact. Next to the ... University and Society: Challenges and Opportunities

Redazione FGB

Dan Sperber. New ways to describe and structure the societies

by Angela Simone. As if it were recently invented, the word interdisciplinarity can ever more regularly be heard in discussions both outside and within academia. After years of pushing towards an ever more refined specialization where the order of the day was to find space in a niche of knowledge that one could call either ... Dan Sperber. New ways to describe and structure the societies

Dan Sperber. Nuovi modi di descrivere e strutturare le società

Come se fosse un’invenzione degli ultimi anni, la parola interdisciplinarietà si affaccia sempre più spesso nei momenti di discussione fuori e dentro le accademie. Dopo anni di spinta verso specializzazioni sempre più raffinate, dove la parola d’ordine era trovare spazio in una nicchia di sapere di cui essere detentori esclusivi o assieme a pochi altri ... Dan Sperber. Nuovi modi di descrivere e strutturare le società

Angela Simone

Teaching responsibility in innovation

Within the University of Manchester (UK), Manchester business School hosts the Manchester Institute of innovation Research. The staff teach and publish on all aspects of innovation research, and themes include innovation and sustainability, technology strategy and innovation management and science and innovation policy, and many of the arguments treated are close to those broached by ... Teaching responsibility in innovation

Jonathan Hankins

Un manifesto contro il declino. Economia della conoscenza per l’innovazione.

Mentre mi accingevo a leggere il saggio di Pietro Greco e Settimo Termini “Contro il declino – Una (modesta) proposta per un rilancio della competitività economica e del rilancio culturale dell’Italia” (Codice Edizioni, 2008) non ho potuto non cogliere l’entusiasmo quasi calcistico con cui stampa e mezzi di comunicazione di massa hanno salutato l’assegnazione a ... Un manifesto contro il declino. Economia della conoscenza per l’innovazione.

Vittorio Bertolini