Open Culture

The website Open Culture describes itself as The best free cultural & educational media on the web. A claim that certainly sounds worthy of investigation. In this posting we take a quick look at some of the articles posted on the site that may be of interest to the Bassetti Foundation. At first glance the ... Open Culture

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Volcanic ash disruption and Facebook

As I am sure everyone is aware the volcanic ash problem has recently caused a few travel problems for a few million people. Once again today (5th May) airspace is closed over much of Ireland and parts of Scotland and I find myself still trying to return to Italy after an enforced sea trip yesterday ... Volcanic ash disruption and Facebook

Jonathan Hankins

That was the year that was – Cosa è stato nell’anno che è stato

Il 2009 è stato un anno molto impegnativo per la Fondazione. Il seguente articolo mira a dare al lettore una panoramica del lavoro della Fondazione con particolare attenzione alla sua partecipazione a conferenze, seminari, pubblicazioni, e all’educazione e alla promozione del dibattito durante tutto l’anno. In febbraio la Fondazione ha promosso un convegno dal titolo ... That was the year that was – Cosa è stato nell’anno che è stato

Jonathan Hankins

That was the year that was

2009 was a busy year for the foundation. The following review aims at giving the reader an overview of the foundation’s work by looking at its involvement in conferences, seminars, publications, education and the promotion of debate throughout the year. In February the foundation promoted a conference entitled Neuroetica. Le scienze del cervello e il ... That was the year that was

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"Where are we going?"

The ironic title above hints at the fact that after many years of communication through our own site we have decided to spread the argument of responsibility and innovation through various social networking websites. In reality our interest in the sharing of information is anything but new, all of our material is published through a ... "Where are we going?"

Dove stiamo andando?

Il titolo ironico di questa pagina sta ad intendere che dopo tanti anni di comunicazione nel web attraverso questo sito, recentemente abbiamo deciso di diffondere le tematiche attorno alla responsabilità nell’innovazione anche attraverso i social network. In realtà la propensione alla condivisione dell’informazione non ci è assolutamente nuova: i nostri materiali sono concessi con licenza ... Dove stiamo andando?

Tommaso Correale Santacroce

Oversights in Oversighting Nanotechnology

In this article I would like to follow up on my series of postings on nanotechnology by taking a look at the recent report entitled Oversight of Next Generation Nanotechnology written by J Clarence Davies and published by The Woodrow Wilson International Centre for Scholars as part of their project on emerging nanotechnologies. The author ... Oversights in Oversighting Nanotechnology

Jonathan Hankins

A look at The Hastings Centre Bioethics Forum

For anybody interested in taking an overview of current debate on bioethics, the Hastings Center bioethics forum would be a good starting point. I say this not only because the forum hosts the Centre’s own bioethics blog, well informed and non partizan as ever, but also because it provides links to many other blogs addressing ... A look at The Hastings Centre Bioethics Forum

A look at The Hastings Center Bioethics Forum

For anybody interested in taking an overview of current debate on bioethics, the Hastings Center bioethics forum would be a good starting point. I say this not only because the forum hosts the Centre’s own bioethics blog, well informed and non partizan as ever, but also because it provides links to many other blogs addressing ... A look at The Hastings Center Bioethics Forum

Jonathan Hankins

Ethical Decision Making During A (Possible) Flu Pandemic

As a first introduction to the complex problems of bio-ethics and scenario planning I would like to signpost an article published in the bioethics forum of an interesting website run by The Hastings Centre, a non partisan research centre dedicated to bioethics and public interest issues that I will take a more in-depth look at ... Ethical Decision Making During A (Possible) Flu Pandemic

Jonathan Hankins

Citizen Participation in Science and Technology

In this posting I would like to have a look at the work of the CIPAST project and a report published late last year by Chloe Alexander of the University of Padova in which she describes and analyses the workings and perceived effectiveness of the project. At time of high science and technology issues, it ... Citizen Participation in Science and Technology

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A responsible choice in fuel

The 2007 Innovation award at the Cylch Wales Recycling Awards went to Sundance Renewables, a not-for-profit social enterprise, that in 2004 set up the first community based biodiesel production plant in the UK. Their idea is simple and very effective: to collect used vegetable oil from local businesses and turn it into biodiesel that they ... A responsible choice in fuel

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