Marketing music on the web

Without a doubt the internet has changed the face of the music industry, creating commercial and marketing opportunities for musicians and record companies. One interesting example of innovative thinking comes from the British rock group Marillion. Through their site they take responsibility for and manage every aspect of their career. They have their own record ... Marketing music on the web

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Buying spy technology on the web

The development of miniature video and sound recording equipment means that DIY spying has never been easier. A quick internet search reveals an incredible world of cheaply and freely available spy technology. What does this tell us about “responsible” use of technology, and about the current state of (or the perceived need of) responsibility in ... Buying spy technology on the web

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Political Humour in the Blogosphere.

“Web 2.0, the interactive interface of the World Wide Web, has opened up a multimedia and multimodal environment that is deeply transforming several discursive practices, among them political communication. Wherever political debate is unimpeded by censorship, as in Western democracies, novel modalities of engaging with politics are emerging on the Internet. Among digital genres, blogs ... Political Humour in the Blogosphere.

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