Innovating Food

In the light of the ‘Innovating Food, Innovating the Law‘ conference taking place in Piacenza this weekend, we take a look at the history of the food argument on this website. The Bassetti Foundation has long been interested in problems related to innovation within the food industry. The following is a selection of articles that ... Innovating Food

Teaching science in schools, some ideas

Science learning in the classroom presents the opportunity for teachers to introduce the problems of ethics and responsibility at an early age. In this post we look at 3 UK based projects that all aim to develop science teaching and involve the students in innovative ways. The BBC news website carries an interesting article about ... Teaching science in schools, some ideas

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Inhabitat: Design will save the world

Inhabitat is a weblog devoted to the future of design that carries some very interesting articles. Their focus is upon tracking innovations in design, materials and practices that are pushing architecture and home design towards a more sustainable future. The site is well worth a browse, offering sections on technology and energy that cover a ... Inhabitat: Design will save the world

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National Academic Press, a host of free publications

On June 2nd the National Academic Press made an interesting strategic choice in making all of its publications available for free download. The National Academic Press has a back catalogue of over 4000 reports and publications covering an array of topics from agriculture, energy conservation, engineering, food and nutrition and policy for science and technology. ... National Academic Press, a host of free publications

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Genetica "fai da te" dai microfoni di formicablu

formicablu ha intercettato l’incontro con Margaret Curnutte svoltosi il 16 maggio 2011 presso la sede della Fondazione Bassetti, intervistando Francesca Petrera e la stessa Curnutte per il programma PiGreco Party in onda ogni settimana in diretta su Radio Città del Capo di Bologna. formicablu è una rete di professionisti che si muove tra il giornalismo, ... Genetica "fai da te" dai microfoni di formicablu

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Home genetic testing and the law

As a lead up to the presentation entitled ‘the construction of the genetic consumer in the US’ that will be delivered by Margaret Curnutte here at the Bassetti Foundation in Milan on 16th May I would like to take a brief look at the way in which the legal community and governmental regulatory organizations view ... Home genetic testing and the law

Jonathan Hankins

A threat to internet democracy?

Last week George Monbiot’s blog hosted by the Guardian UK featured an interesting follow on article about the problem of astroturfing, an issue that Mombiot has written about in greater detail on his personal blog site and in his book Heat. To anyone who is not a jargon fiend, astroturfing is the action of taking ... A threat to internet democracy?

Jonathan Hankins

Responsible Innovation / Sustainable Innovation

This is the paper that Jeff Ubois presented last November 2010 at the Annual Meeting of the American Anthropological Association. The presentation was part of the panel organized by Cristina Orsatti entitled ‘Sustainable Innovations: Forging Partnerships, Knowledge Exchange, And Reciprocity’. Soon we shall publish the abstract of the other contributions. Responsible Innovation / Sustainable Innovation ... Responsible Innovation / Sustainable Innovation

2010 – Cosa è stato nell’anno che è stato

Nel 2010 si sono svolti numerosi incontri presso la sede della Fondazione Bassetti; i membri del dello staff hanno partecipato ad eventi nazionali ed internazionali viaggiando per promuovere la discussione e la consapevolezza del concetto di responsabilità nell’innovazione; il sito ha raccolto i materiali di tutti questi eventi e ha pubblicato contributi di autori interessati ... 2010 – Cosa è stato nell’anno che è stato

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2010 – That was the year that was

2010 was a busy year for the Foundation. Several meetings were held at the foundation conference suite in Milan and members of the staff traveled widely in order to participate in national and international events and promote discussion and awareness of the idea of responsibility in innovation. On 13th of April Piero Bassetti and Paolo ... 2010 – That was the year that was

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Change makers

by Peter Goldmark If you go on the web to you will find the website for Changemakers, a program of the Ashoka Society. The Ashoka Society is one of the most remarkable and effective change-agent non-profit organizations on this planet. It was founded three decades ago by my lifelong friend and colleague Bill Drayton. ... Change makers

Peter Goldmark

The Age Of The Genome

To celebrate the 10th anniversary of the historic announcement made by then president of the US Bill Clinton of the first sequencing of the human genome, BBC Radio 4 are broadcasting a series entitled The Age Of The Genome conducted by evolutionary biologist Professor Richard Dawkins. The first show (23rd June 2010) is currently available ... The Age Of The Genome

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