Frankenstein, Annotated for Scientists, Engineers, and Creators of All Kinds

To celebrate the forthcoming 200th anniversary of the publication of Mary Shelley’s story of science, creation and responsibility, David H. Guston, Ed Finn and Jason Scott Robert offer a version ‘annotated for scientists, engineers, and creators of all types’, published through The MIT Press. The publication offers both an editors’preface and introduction (written by Charles ... Frankenstein, Annotated for Scientists, Engineers, and Creators of All Kinds

Jonathan Hankins

Beyond Alternative Food Networks, a book review

Long time Bassetti Foundation collaborator Cristina Grasseni recently published her latest book. Beyond Alternative Food Networks is described by MIT Professor Heather Paxson as “Much more than a book about alternative ways of sourcing and consuming food…. it challenges the rationalist mythology at the heart of capitalism and reveals the affective relations and contingent practices ... Beyond Alternative Food Networks, a book review

Cristina Grasseni
Redazione FGB

Managing the Responsible Emergence of Science and Innovation in Society

This week saw the digital release of Richard Owen, John Bessant and Maggie Heintz’s book entitled ‘Responsible Innovation: Managing the Responsible Emergence of Science and Innovation in Society‘. The print copy release is scheduled for next month, and interested readers can download any or all of the chapters through the Wiley website Online Library where ... Managing the Responsible Emergence of Science and Innovation in Society

Jonathan Hankins

An Interview with Chris Howard, CEO of Libboo

Chris Howard is CEO and co owner of Libboo, a high profile online publishing venture based in Cambridge Massachusetts. In this interview carried out in January 2013, Jonathan Hankins poses questions of responsibility and ethics surrounding the company’s use and patenting requests for an innovative method of measuring how certain individuals may be able to ... An Interview with Chris Howard, CEO of Libboo

Jonathan Hankins

Deadly Monopolies by H. A. Washington, a book review

Deadly Monopolies carries a subtitle on the cover: ‘The Shocking Corporate Takeover Of life Itself – And The Consequences For Your Health And Our Medical Future’. As this suggests the book takes a critical look at the biological patent industry, the effects upon society of the proliferation of the patenting of naturally occurring elements, and ... Deadly Monopolies by H. A. Washington, a book review

Redazione FGB

Società della conoscenza ed economia della bellezza

“L’impresa tradizionale ha un rapporto difficile con la responsabilità: il suo controllo è quasi costantemente vincolato dalle sue scelte a monte. L’impresa-rete, focalizzata sulla creazione e sull’innovazione, si pone come intrinsecamente più responsabile. I grandi sviluppi incombenti dell’intelligenza connettiva possono portarci a un circolo virtuoso che si avvale di una conoscenza enormemente espansa. Tuttavia, errori ... Società della conoscenza ed economia della bellezza

Redazione FGB

Gerolamo Gaslini imprenditore e filantropo

Report sulla presentazione a Milano del volume “Rockefeller d’Italia. Gerolamo Gaslini imprenditore e filantropo” (immagini dell’evento in fondo alla pagina) Lo scorso 2 febbraio 2002, presso la Sala Napoleonica di Palazzo Greppi, all’Università degli studi di Milano, è stato presentato il volume di Paride Rugafiori, Rockefeller d’Italia. Gerolamo Gaslini imprenditore e filantropo, uscito per Donzelli ... Gerolamo Gaslini imprenditore e filantropo

Roberta Garruccio

Go Ask Your Father about DNA

Imagine the scene, you grow up in a seemingly normal working class family but you always have the feeling that you are an outsider within that family, then just before your father’s death your mentally unstable uncle tells you that he has a secret that he wants to tell you. Your father dies and your ... Go Ask Your Father about DNA

Jonathan Hankins

Gerolamo Gaslini, Rockefeller d’Italia

Il caso di Gerolamo Gaslini spinge a porre questioni e domande, più che mai attuali, attorno ai delicati rapporti tra etica e affari, politica e impresa, fede e laicità, Chiesa cattolica e Stato italiano. Martedì 2 febbraio 2010 alle ore 17 presso l’Università degli Studi di Milano, in Sala Napoleonica di Palazzo Greppi verrà presentato ... Gerolamo Gaslini, Rockefeller d’Italia

Redazione FGB

Is ethics a branch of Politics?

Returning to take a more in-depth look at the work of The Hastings Center and its interest in bio-ethics, I would like to review their recent online and hardback publication entitled From Birth to Death and Bench to Clinic: The Hastings Center Bioethics Briefing Book for Journalists, Policymakers, and Campaigns. Reading this book I became ... Is ethics a branch of Politics?

Cristina Grasseni
Jonathan Hankins

Scott Berkun on Responsibility and Resistance

Scott Berkun is the author of The Myths of Innovation, which examines common pre- and mis-conceptions about innovation, and Making Things Happen, a book about project management. He has written for The New York Times, The Washington Post,, and Wired magazine, and commented about innovation for CNBC, MSNBC, and National Public Radio. He’s also ... Scott Berkun on Responsibility and Resistance

Un manifesto contro il declino. Economia della conoscenza per l’innovazione.

Mentre mi accingevo a leggere il saggio di Pietro Greco e Settimo Termini “Contro il declino – Una (modesta) proposta per un rilancio della competitività economica e del rilancio culturale dell’Italia” (Codice Edizioni, 2008) non ho potuto non cogliere l’entusiasmo quasi calcistico con cui stampa e mezzi di comunicazione di massa hanno salutato l’assegnazione a ... Un manifesto contro il declino. Economia della conoscenza per l’innovazione.

Vittorio Bertolini