Junior Research Group Leader for the Interchange Forum for Reflecting on Intelligent Systems (IRIS).

The University of Stuttgart invites applications for a Junior Research Group Leader for the Interchange Forum for Reflecting on Intelligent Systems (IRIS). IRIS is inviting an excellent and experienced early career researcher to apply for a 4-year Junior Research Group Leader position to complement and expand our research activities. The focus of the new Junior ... Junior Research Group Leader for the Interchange Forum for Reflecting on Intelligent Systems (IRIS).

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Three years of collaboration with the School of Design – Politecnico di Milano

This video summarizes in a minute and a half the 3 year long relationship between the Milan Polytechnic School of Design and the Bassetti Foundation. Each year’s involvement has been accompanied by a cycle of conferences that have been video recorded and are available through the website. Around twenty students have submitted projects through their ... Three years of collaboration with the School of Design – Politecnico di Milano

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Tommaso Correale Santacroce

Almost Humans: Robotics, Healthcare and STS. Call for Applications

Call for Applications 4th STS Italia Summer School September 5th- 9th, 2017 Catania, Italy STS Italia, the Italian Society of Science and Technology Studies – in collaboration with the Department of Political and Social Sciences and the Department of Mathematics and Informatics of the University of Catania is organizing its 4th Summer School, “Almost Human: ... Almost Humans: Robotics, Healthcare and STS. Call for Applications

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Job design and responsibility – 2/2

Event: Fabio Besti lesson at Politecnico di Milano Title: Job Design and responsibility. Date: 2016 06 09 Time: 37 min. Place: Politecnico di Milano. Language: English. Part: 2/2 url Vimeo: http://vimeo.com/179487149 Photos: Album in Flickr. Report: Job Design and responsibility. Part: 2/2 question and answers. Contents: Fabio Besti (Fondazione Giannino Bassetti) In 9 June 2016 ... Job design and responsibility – 2/2

Fabio Besti

Job design and responsibility – 1/2

Event: Fabio Besti lesson at Politecnico di Milano Title: Job Design and responsibility. Date: 2016 06 09 Time: 37 min. Place: Politecnico di Milano. Language: English. Part: 1/2 url Vimeo: http://vimeo.com/179474898 Photos: Album in Flickr. Report: Job Design and responsibility. Part: 1/2 Lesson. Contents: Fabio Besti (Fondazione Giannino Bassetti) In 9 June 2016 at the ... Job design and responsibility – 1/2

Fabio Besti

Synthetic Modeling of Life and Cognition

Many questions in the workshop Synthetic Modeling of Life and Cognition: Open Questions: “In what sense and under which conditions can artificial systems be considered models of natural living and cognitive processes? What are the prospects for advancing biological, behavioral, cognitive and social sciences through these methods? How can we ensure a successful transmission of ... Synthetic Modeling of Life and Cognition

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Guerre a distanza e responsabilità

Le nuove tecnologie, informatiche e robotiche, stanno modificando il modo di programmare e condurre le guerre, separando – fisicamente e psicologicamente – i luoghi in cui i mezzi bellici sono comandati da quelli in cui effettivamente agiscono. Le implicazioni di questo mutamento sono state affrontate di recente in una serie di articoli pubblicati dalla rivista ... Guerre a distanza e responsabilità

Margherita Fronte

Prosthetic by choice?

Following on from the arguments raised during the discussion with athlete Marta Milani, this article looks at some of the issues posed by advances in prosthetic technology, and the issue of a patient’s choice to amputate a hand in order to have a prosthetic version fitted. The BBC World News channel recently carried a report ... Prosthetic by choice?

Jonathan Hankins

Teaching science in schools, some ideas

Science learning in the classroom presents the opportunity for teachers to introduce the problems of ethics and responsibility at an early age. In this post we look at 3 UK based projects that all aim to develop science teaching and involve the students in innovative ways. The BBC news website carries an interesting article about ... Teaching science in schools, some ideas

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Il Protocollo d’Intesa Interistituzionale sulla Robotica Educativa

Il 16 marzo 2011, a Roma presso il Campidoglio, è stato firmato il primo Protocollo d’Intesa Interistituzionale sulla Robotica Educativa. Abbiamo posto qualche domanda a Fiorella Operto, co-fondatrice della Scuola di Robotica di Genova. Tommaso Correale Santacroce: Abbiamo spesso citato la Scuola di Robotica in questo sito perché crediamo sia una attività fondante e un ... Il Protocollo d’Intesa Interistituzionale sulla Robotica Educativa

Tommaso Correale Santacroce

Una rete nazionale per la robotica educativa

Il veloce sviluppo della robotica richiede pronte azioni di formazione e legiferazione; soprattutto di una posizione che permetta di affrontare con coerenza le molteplici sfide che ci troveremo ad affrontare come individui, cittadini, società. Le realizzazioni in campo militare, medico e industriale possono considerarsi in prima linea, ma le ricadute sulla vita quotidiana, sulla socializzazione, ... Una rete nazionale per la robotica educativa

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War Machines: Recruiting Robots For Combat

Last week an article appeared in The New York Times entitled “War Machines: Recruiting Robots For Combat”. The article addresses a problem that has been debated on this site in the past, that of the ethical considerations that the development of this type of military machine provokes. Military sources are quoted as stating that the ... War Machines: Recruiting Robots For Combat

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