La tua ricerca per "artificial intelligence" ha prodotto 77 risultati

12 risultati di 77

Report from the Annual Meeting of the Socio-gerontechnology Network

On 28th and 29th of September I attended the 2023 Annual Meeting of the Socio-gerontechnology Network in Utrecht, Netherlands. This network brings together scholars from across social science, humanities and design disciplines who are interested in critical studies of ageing and technology, creating a new academic field that we might describe as a meeting point ... Report from the Annual Meeting of the Socio-gerontechnology Network

Jonathan Hankins

A new website for Fondazione Bassetti – 2023

(Qui in Italiano) With the onset of digitization, the landscape of memory has undergone changes that touch upon its most intricate and hidden meanings. With the widespread use of digital intelligence, the truthfulness and meaning of descriptions of the world and thought are put to ever-greater test. In this context, what value do collections of ... A new website for Fondazione Bassetti – 2023

Tommaso Correale Santacroce

Putting Responsible Research and Innovation into Practice. A Multi-stakeholder Approach

Putting Responsible Research and Innovation into Practice. A Multi-stakeholder Approach, edited by Vincent Blok, (Library of Ethics and Applied Philosophy Volume 40, published by Springer, 2022), is a collection that has grown out of the NewHoRRIzon project (2017-2021). This project focused on developing a ‘conceptual and operational basis to fully integrate RRI into European and ... Putting Responsible Research and Innovation into Practice. A Multi-stakeholder Approach

Jonathan Hankins

Innovazione trasformativa all’Università di Pavia. Intervista a Stefano Denicolai presidente di ITIR

Un nuovo centro interdipartimentale che mette l’accento sull’innovazione trasformativa è nato all’interno dell’Università di Pavia: è l’Institute for Transformative Innovation Research (ITIR), che il prossimo 31 marzo 2023 avrà il suo Kick-off Day (qui il programma completo). Fondazione Giannino Bassetti ha incontrato Stefano Denicolai, professore di Innovation Management e presidente del centro, che nel corso ... Innovazione trasformativa all’Università di Pavia. Intervista a Stefano Denicolai presidente di ITIR

Redazione FGB

PhD Candidate in STS at Maastricht University, researching diversity and bias in AI

This PhD position about bias in media recommender systems is part of the Trustworthy AI for Media Lab (TAIM), one of 17 labs connected to the Innovation Center for Artificial Intelligence (ICAI) within the Long Term Program (LTP) Trustworthy AI-based Systems for Sustainable Growth (ROBUST). The PhD project is funded by the Dutch Research Council ... PhD Candidate in STS at Maastricht University, researching diversity and bias in AI

Redazione FGB

Un chatbot evoluto

OpenAI è una società di ricerca e implementazione dell’Intelligenza Artificiale che dichiara: “OpenAI’s mission is to ensure that artificial general intelligence (AGI)–by which we mean highly autonomous systems that outperform humans at most economically valuable work–benefits all of humanity.We will attempt to directly build safe and beneficial AGI, but will also consider our mission fulfilled ... Un chatbot evoluto

Alessandro Scoscia
Redazione FGB

Postdoctoral Research Fellowship in AI Manufacturing, Ethics, and Policy

The Georgia Tech Ethics, Technology, and Human Interaction Center (ETHICx), together with the School of Public Policy at Georgia Tech, invites applications for a three-year Postdoctoral Research Fellowship, starting January 1, 2023, or as soon as possible after that. The Postdoctoral Research Fellow will be part of the School of Public Policy and ETHICx research ... Postdoctoral Research Fellowship in AI Manufacturing, Ethics, and Policy

Redazione FGB

Responsible Smart Mobility: una Citizens’ Jury per raccogliere le opinioni dei cittadini

Grazie al progetto EU H2020 TRANSFORM l’11 giugno si svolgerà la prima giornata della Giuria di Cittadine e Cittadini su mobilità intelligente e responsabile in Lombardia. Il progetto EU H2020 TRANSFORM, di cui Fondazione Giannino Bassetti è ente coordinatore, è entrato nel suo terzo e ultimo anno di attività. Dopo l’intenso lavoro preparatorio del 2020 ... Responsible Smart Mobility: una Citizens’ Jury per raccogliere le opinioni dei cittadini

Redazione FGB

Looking Back on 2021

As another eventful year closes behind us, the Bassetti Foundation sends New Year greetings to all our readers with a look back on events over the last twelve months. INDEX of this page PRESENTATIONS AT CONFERENCES AND EVENTS In English In Italian PARTICIPATION AND REVIEWS OF CONFERENCES AND EVENTS EVENTS HOSTED Book presentations Dialogues INTERVIEWS ... Looking Back on 2021

OECD Conference on Technology in and for Society, December 2021

In this post I would like to offer some take-aways and personal thoughts on the recent OECD Conference on Technology in and for Society, held on the 6th and 7th of December 2021. Innovating Well for Inclusive Transitions The conference rationale was Innovating Well for Inclusive Transitions, based upon the supposition that the world faces ... OECD Conference on Technology in and for Society, December 2021

Jonathan Hankins

Open Rank Positions at Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology

The Graduate School of Science and Technology Policy (STP) at the Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST) is seeking to hire tenure-track faculty members (open rank) in two research clusters: AI Policy and Infrastructure Policy. Applications are welcome from scholars who are trained in any disciplinary and methodological traditions within humanities and social ... Open Rank Positions at Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology

Redazione FGB

TRANSFORM at the 19th European Week of Regions and Cities. A Review.

Bruxelles, 11 – 14 October, 2021. The European Week of Regions and Cities is the biggest annual Brussels-based event dedicated to cohesion policy. It brings together regions and cities from all over Europe, including politicians, administrators, experts and academics in a four-day event that boasts several interesting formats (the opening session was run following a ... TRANSFORM at the 19th European Week of Regions and Cities. A Review.

Jonathan Hankins