International course in Public Communication and Applied Ethics of Nanotechnology

From 22 to 27th March 2009 an international advanced course entitled Public Communication and Applied Ethics of Nanotechnology takes place at St Edmund Hall at the University of Oxford in the UK. The course is aimed at anyone working within nanotechnology or with an interest in its public communication and ethical implications, and the organizers ... International course in Public Communication and Applied Ethics of Nanotechnology

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Regulating nanotechnology through private actors?

by Brice Laurent While some public officials claim that the potential risks of nanotechnology will be managed as early as possible, numerous questions are raised about the relevance of existing regulation for the many different nano-products. The standards and codes that are being experimented are, at this time, mostly voluntary and emerge from a range ... Regulating nanotechnology through private actors?

Green nanotechnology at Nano-tech 2009

From February 18th to 20th 2009 the Nano-tech 2009 international nanotechnology exhibition and conference takes place in Tokyo Japan. The conference includes several different and self contained exhibitions, all held at the East Exhibition Hall and Conference Tower, Tokyo Bigsight including ASTEC 2009 (Advanced Surface Technology), Nano Bio 2009 that includes the “seed and needs” ... Green nanotechnology at Nano-tech 2009

Jonathan Hankins

Asking the relevant questions about public participation

by Brice Laurent Participatory experiments in nanotechnology have been numerous, but their outcomes are uncertain. Some have criticized the little interest these mechanisms have received in policy circles. Local examples can help illustrate the difficulties that participatory experiments face. The Grenoble case is telling for that matter. Grenoble is a city in the French Alps, ... Asking the relevant questions about public participation

A Conference on Greener nanotechnology

The SNNI’s (safer nanomaterials and nanomanufacturing initiative) 4th annual conference takes place at the Invitrogen Corporation, Eugene, Oregon, USA on March 2-3, 2009, and for anyone interested the deadline for the call for abstracts for the poster sessions at the conference is on Friday 16th January. Abstract topics must be in one or more of ... A Conference on Greener nanotechnology

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Without risk there is no progress

“Without risk there is no progress”, and this should be borne in mind when speaking about innovation and responsibility. If we accept the statement above made by the International Risk Governence Council then we must accept that innovation is not a risk free business. The International Risk Governance Council (IRGC) is an independent foundation based ... Without risk there is no progress

Sheila Jasanoff in FGB – podcast

Lunedì 5 maggio la Fondazione Bassetti ha ospitato nella propria sede milanese il seminario di Sheila Jasanoff, professore di Science and Technology Studies alla Kennedy School of Government della Harvard University, dedicato alle implicazioni politiche degli immaginari sociali della scienza. Mettiamo a disposizione dei nostri lettori le slide dell’incontro e l’audio di tutti gli interventi ... Sheila Jasanoff in FGB – podcast

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Bioetica, bioetiche: narrazioni e costruzioni culturali

Il linguaggio della bioetica – costruito sul giuramento di Ippocrate e sul codice di Norimberga – combina, attraverso la filosofia morale, i termini bios e ethos offrendo gli strumenti utili per fare ordine in un ambito in cui lo yuk factor, la reazione viscerale, come l’ha definita Leon Kass, spesso ha la meglio sulla razionalità. ... Bioetica, bioetiche: narrazioni e costruzioni culturali

Valentina Porcellana

Sheila Jasanoff in FGB

Lunedì 5 maggio la Fondazione Bassetti ha ospitato nella propria sede milanese, il seminario di Sheila Jasanoff, professore di Science and Technology Studies alla Kennedy School of Government della Harvard University, dedicato alle implicazioni politiche degli immaginari sociali della scienza. Il seminario ha anticipato la lectio magistralis che Sheila Jasanoff ha tenuto il 6 maggio ... Sheila Jasanoff in FGB

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Governance and participation in nanotechnology

A look at Wikipedia gives a thorough if not quite technical description of what nanotechnology is or could be defined as. The description opens with “Nanotechnology is a highly multidisciplinary field, drawing from fields such as applied physics, materials science, interface and colloid science, device physics, supramolecular chemistry (which refers to the area of chemistry ... Governance and participation in nanotechnology

Commission launches consultation on responsible nano research

The European Commission has launched a consultation on responsible research in nanosciences and nanotechnologies. The consultation is part of the Commission’s plan to suggest that the EU Member States sign up to a Code of Conduct for this emerging area of science. A broad spectrum of society is addressed by the consultation, from the scientific ... Commission launches consultation on responsible nano research

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Responsibility in Innovation: A Survey of Coming Attractions in Nanotechnology

A Conversation with Lawrence Gasman Lawrence Gasman is the cofounder of NanoMarkets, LLC and author of the recent book, Nanotechnology Applications and Markets, which examines the market for nanotechnology in the healthcare, energy, and information technology sectors, and provides a generalized approach to forecasting the impact of nanotechnology on particular companies and industries. In this ... Responsibility in Innovation: A Survey of Coming Attractions in Nanotechnology