The potential role of science communication in Pakistan

Towards the understanding of science communication and its potential role to bring prosperity in the rural and agro-based community of Pakistan by Naeema Siddiqui (Institute of Social & Cultural Studies , University of the Punjab, Lahore, Pakistan), Saima Siddiqui (Centre for Integrated Mountain Research, Punjab University Lahore Pakistan; Department of Earth Sciences, University of Modena ... The potential role of science communication in Pakistan

Saima Siddiqui

A Conversation with Pallavi Phartiyal – part 2

The Union of Concerned Scientists is about to open its new ‘Center for Science and Democracy’, and I was fortunate enough to meet and record a conversation with the centre’s Program Manager Pallavi Phartiyal. (…continues from the previous entry). J H: Global warming or climate change is a political problem here. If you come from ... A Conversation with Pallavi Phartiyal – part 2

Jonathan Hankins

A Conversation with Pallavi Phartiyal – part 1

Cambridge Massachusetts hosts one of the main offices of the Union of Concerned Scientists, described on their own website as “the leading science-based nonprofit working for a healthy environment and a safer world” They go on to state that “UCS combines independent scientific research and citizen action to develop innovative, practical solutions and to secure ... A Conversation with Pallavi Phartiyal – part 1

Jonathan Hankins

Mapping Controversies, an interview with Vincent Antonin Lepinay

Mapping Controversies in Science and Technology for Politics is the title of an EU sponsored project. The Mapping Controversies website offers an explanation of the history and techniques involved in implementing the project, started several years ago by Foundation collaborator Bruno Latour, and I would like to offer a summary of the project’s aims based ... Mapping Controversies, an interview with Vincent Antonin Lepinay

Jonathan Hankins

Open Data

Governi e amministrazioni hanno una nuova parola d’ordine: open data. Dati accessibili e gratuiti che servono a rendere i cittadini più informati e più consapevoli. E a spingerli a essere innovatori, creando applicazioni (apps) per leggere i dati. Ma lasciare l’accesso libero ai dati, in un’ottica globale di responsabilità, è un passo sufficiente? Se ne ... Open Data

Angela Simone

Una rete nazionale per la robotica educativa

Il veloce sviluppo della robotica richiede pronte azioni di formazione e legiferazione; soprattutto di una posizione che permetta di affrontare con coerenza le molteplici sfide che ci troveremo ad affrontare come individui, cittadini, società. Le realizzazioni in campo militare, medico e industriale possono considerarsi in prima linea, ma le ricadute sulla vita quotidiana, sulla socializzazione, ... Una rete nazionale per la robotica educativa

Redazione FGB

Seminario di Wiebe Bijker in FGB

Lunedi 3 maggio, ore 15.30. "Different forms of expertise in democratising technological cultures: experiences from the current Societal Dialogue on Nanotechnologies in the Netherlands" Sede della Fondazione Giannino Bassetti via Barozzi 4, Milano Lunedi 3 maggio alle 15.30 Wiebe Bijker (Università di Maastricht) discuterà con Piero Bassetti, Cristina Grasseni, Paolo Volonté e Alessandro Blasimme il ... Seminario di Wiebe Bijker in FGB

Redazione FGB

Professor Wiebe E. Bijker in Giannino Bassetti Foundation

On May 3rd, 2010, the foundation has the honour of hosting Professor Wiebe E. Bijker in its Milan seat, via Michele Barozzi 4, at 15.30. Prof Bijker is currently Professor of Technology and Society at The University of Maastricht where his research focuses on the relationship between technology, society and science. Prof Bijker’s work has ... Professor Wiebe E. Bijker in Giannino Bassetti Foundation

Redazione FGB

Il Professor Wiebe E. Bijker in Fondazione Giannino Bassetti

Lunedi 3 maggio alle 15.30 la fondazione Bassetti ha l’onore di ospitare il professor Wiebe E. Bijker alla sua sede di Milano in via Michele Barozzi 4 . Wiebe Bijker insegna Tecnologia e Società all’università di Maastricht e la sua ricerca verte principalmente sulle relazioni tra scienza, tecnologia e società. Il suo lavoro ha molto ... Il Professor Wiebe E. Bijker in Fondazione Giannino Bassetti

Redazione FGB

AAA Annual Meeting 2010

The Bassetti Foundation participates in the 2010 American Anthropological Association Annual Meeting which will take place in New Orleans, Nov. 17-21, 2010. Cristina Grasseni will be discussant of the panel “Sustainable Innovations: Forging partnerships, knowledge exchange, and reciprocity“. The panel will focus on strategies of sustainable development in the highlands of the EU, USA and ... AAA Annual Meeting 2010

Redazione FGB