Glocalism. Beyond Democracy: Innovation As Politics, review of the journal.

The latest edition of the journal Glocalism has just been released, the Bassetti Foundation having participated in the production through its involvement in the editorial process. The issue is titled Beyond Democracy: Innovation As Politics, an argument that as readers will know very much reflects the Foundation’s standpoint. As the editorial points out, at the ... Glocalism. Beyond Democracy: Innovation As Politics, review of the journal.

Jonathan Hankins

2016 INSS Meeting Report

The Integrated Network for Social Sustainability (INSS) 2016 conference took place between 8 and 10 June, and was once again held at multiple sites across the USA and Europe. The London site was hosted at University College London (UCL), with Foreign Correspondent Jonathan Hankins attending on behalf of the Foundation and presenting his work looking ... 2016 INSS Meeting Report

Jonathan Hankins

Responsible Research and Innovation: The Problematic Quest For Right Impacts.

The Responsible Research and Innovation: The Problematic Quest For Right Impacts International Conference took place between March 11th and 12th, 2016 at the Donastia International physics Centre, Donastia-San Sebastian. The conference was followed by the Annual VIRI meeting. I attended both the conference and the AGM in my role as Bassetti Foundation Foreign Correspondent. In ... Responsible Research and Innovation: The Problematic Quest For Right Impacts.

Jonathan Hankins
Sally Randles

An Introduction to the Agri/Cultures Project

Readers may be interested to learn that Fern Wickson, program coordinator of the Society, Ecology and Ethics Department (SEED) at GenØk Centre for Biosafety in Tromsø, Norway and member of the VIRI, is currently leading the new “Agri/Cultures Project“. This is a four-year research project funded by the Norwegian Research council’s FRIPRO programme for young ... An Introduction to the Agri/Cultures Project

Redazione FGB

Civil Society in Research and Innovation: What’s next?

Representatives of the Bassetti Foundation recently participated in the Civil Society in Research and Innovation: What’s next? Event at the European Economic and Social Committee in Brussels. The event was held on 28 January and promoted by the European Economic and Social Committee (EESC) and the CONSIDER project (Civil society organisations in designing research governance), ... Civil Society in Research and Innovation: What’s next?

Redazione FGB

CONSIDER Workshop, Civil Society Organisations in Designing Research Governance

CONSIDER, Civil Society Organisations (CSOs) in Designing Research Governance, is an EU FP7 research project that aims to establish a model of CSO participation in research, based on conceptually sound and empirically rich research of best practices. CONSIDER state that they are keen to understand the perspectives of those with experience of working in research ... CONSIDER Workshop, Civil Society Organisations in Designing Research Governance

Redazione FGB

A review of the Journal of Responsible Innovation

In this post I would like to take a look at the first issue of the new Journal of Responsible Innovation. As readers may know the journal is edited by David Guston and published through Taylor and Francis, who have generously made the first edition open access. All of the following articles are free to ... A review of the Journal of Responsible Innovation

Jonathan Hankins

Responsible Research and Innovation, Science and Technology Special Eurobarometer

November saw the publication of the European Commission’s Responsible Research and Innovation (RRI), Science and Technology Special Eurobarometer. A summary is free to download here. The summary follows on from that of 2010, in addressing European citizens’ general attitudes towards science and technology, and aims to inform the Commission regarding delivery of the Europe 2020 ... Responsible Research and Innovation, Science and Technology Special Eurobarometer

Redazione FGB

The 2013 SAGE Conference: Place, Politics & Potential

The SAGE Conference is organized by the Worcester Solidarity and Green Economy Alliance. This year the conference ran over 2 days in November and both myself and long time collaborator and former Scientific Director Cristina Grasseni were present, Grasseni as Plenary Speaker on the final day. The conference was organized into workshops, each addressing different ... The 2013 SAGE Conference: Place, Politics & Potential

Jonathan Hankins

The potential role of science communication in Pakistan

Towards the understanding of science communication and its potential role to bring prosperity in the rural and agro-based community of Pakistan by Naeema Siddiqui (Institute of Social & Cultural Studies , University of the Punjab, Lahore, Pakistan), Saima Siddiqui (Centre for Integrated Mountain Research, Punjab University Lahore Pakistan; Department of Earth Sciences, University of Modena ... The potential role of science communication in Pakistan

Saima Siddiqui

A Conversation with Pallavi Phartiyal – part 2

The Union of Concerned Scientists is about to open its new ‘Center for Science and Democracy’, and I was fortunate enough to meet and record a conversation with the centre’s Program Manager Pallavi Phartiyal. (…continues from the previous entry). J H: Global warming or climate change is a political problem here. If you come from ... A Conversation with Pallavi Phartiyal – part 2

Jonathan Hankins

A Conversation with Pallavi Phartiyal – part 1

Cambridge Massachusetts hosts one of the main offices of the Union of Concerned Scientists, described on their own website as “the leading science-based nonprofit working for a healthy environment and a safer world” They go on to state that “UCS combines independent scientific research and citizen action to develop innovative, practical solutions and to secure ... A Conversation with Pallavi Phartiyal – part 1

Jonathan Hankins