A discussion with Marta Milani about sport

South African athlete Oscar Pistorius was Initially barred from competing in the last Olympic games in Beijing, won his appeal allowing him to compete but was then unable to meet the qualifying times, but has had 4 years to prepare for qualification for the London games and in April of this year acheived the B ... A discussion with Marta Milani about sport

Jonathan Hankins

Responsibility and innovation: a business perspective (part 2)

(An interview with prof. Andrew McMeekin – …continues from the previous entry) Index of questions: 13. >> We speak a lot about innovation within food at the foundation. Cristina has written about the reinvention of food and I know that food is one of your main interests. Can you speak about innovation in food? 14. ... Responsibility and innovation: a business perspective (part 2)

Responsibility and innovation: a business perspective

an interview with prof. Andrew McMeekin. Prof Andrew McMeekin works at the Manchester School of Innovation and is involved in the Sustainable Consumption Institute based at the same university. In March 2011 he was kind enough to participate in a conversation with Jonathan Hankins in which he discussed (amongst other things) innovation, responsibility, sustainability and ... Responsibility and innovation: a business perspective

Il ruolo degli esperti nella democrazia

Una intervista di Margherita Fronte a Wiebe Bijker, professore di Tecnologia e società all’Università di Maastricht (Olanda). La tecnoscienza plasma le società moderne offrendo opportunità nuove, ma crea al contempo vulnerabilità che soltanto fino a un secolo fa erano del tutto sconosciute. E se da un lato, anche per questo motivo, il mondo moderno non ... Il ruolo degli esperti nella democrazia

Margherita Fronte

Drones and other robots of war

Recently the press has been full of articles addressing the legality or illegality of the military use of unmanned drone aircraft in the war against terror. Their use as well as the use of other human controlled robot weaponry presents a series of ethical, moral, technical and legal problems, often more down to the way ... Drones and other robots of war

Fiorella Operto
Jonathan Hankins

A short review: Conversations On Innovation, Power And Responsibility

Last week we put online a new publication of the Foundation Bassetti entitled “Conversations On Innovation, Power And Responsibility”, written by Jeff Ubois and available in hard copy, downloadable pdf or Issuu (on line) versions. The publication is a resume’ of conversations conducted between Mr Ubois and 12 internationally renowned innovators and thinkers and features ... A short review: Conversations On Innovation, Power And Responsibility

New Publication from FGB: Conversations on Innovation, Power and Responsibility

The Fondazione Giannino Bassetti’s new publication, Conversations on Innovation, Power and Responsibility highlights approaches to responsibility in innovation taken by leading practitioners in disruptive fields. Our intent is to highlight approaches that can be replicated, and to develop language that can allow practitioners in different fields to communicate more effectively about responsible innovation. By focusing ... New Publication from FGB: Conversations on Innovation, Power and Responsibility

Scott Berkun on Responsibility and Resistance

Scott Berkun is the author of The Myths of Innovation, which examines common pre- and mis-conceptions about innovation, and Making Things Happen, a book about project management. He has written for The New York Times, The Washington Post, HarvardBusiness.org, and Wired magazine, and commented about innovation for CNBC, MSNBC, and National Public Radio. He’s also ... Scott Berkun on Responsibility and Resistance

What are the nature and functions of artificial agents?

“Our first contribution to this blog contains a brief outline of the research project, the protocol of interview that we have been using, and short summaries of our first meeting with researchers.” (from: Artificial Empathy: a research diary). These are the questions we use when we first interview a researcher. Objectives: The goal of this ... What are the nature and functions of artificial agents?

Science and Governance: the provocation of responsibility.

Conversation with Mariachiara Tallacchini On the Science in Society website of the European Commision one reads that “The European Commission needs to create the conditions for a structured dialogue on questions relative to science, with a view to anticipating and clarifying the hopes and fears of the public. Faced with an informed and involved public, ... Science and Governance: the provocation of responsibility.

Science and Governance: la provocazione della responsabilità.

Conversazione con Mariachiara Tallacchini Sul portale Scienza e Società della Commissione europea si legge che ‘La Commissione europea ha il dovere di creare le condizioni per un dialogo strutturato sulle questioni relative alla scienza, allo scopo di anticipare e chiarificare le speranze e le preoccupazioni del pubblico. Di fronte ad un pubblico informato e impegnato, ... Science and Governance: la provocazione della responsabilità.

Mariachiara Tallacchini

Dr. Ronald Arkin on Roboethics and Responsibility (part 3)

(…continues from the previous entry) Ubois: Do you see — I mean, another direction I could see this going is in the ways the lines between warfare and law enforcement get blurrier and blurrier. Arkin: Yeah, but that’s why I’m sticking to international warfare at this early stage right now. Now it’s granted that spin-off ... Dr. Ronald Arkin on Roboethics and Responsibility (part 3)