Panoramica: i test genetici

La tematica della Responsabilità nell’innovazione è decisamente trasversale. I contributi che pubblichiamo spesso danno per scontato che il lettore abbia già una infarinatura sul campo dello scibile del quale si parla, e infatti spesso si tratta di approfondimenti. Eppure in molti casi ci accorgiamo sarebbe utile avere una panoramica sullo “stato delle cose” e un ... Panoramica: i test genetici

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Virginia Sanchini

Genetic Consumerism

On 16th May 2011 Margaret Curnutte, PhD Candidate at the University of Milan, European School for Molecular Medicine and Bassetti Fellow at the Program on Science, Technology & Society at Harvard University will present a paper at the Bassetti Foundation in Milan outlining her work. Curnutte has spent the last year part funded by the ... Genetic Consumerism

Redazione FGB

Consuming Genomes

Lunedi 16 maggio 2011 alle 15.30 presso la sede di Milano in via Michele Barozzi 4, la Fondazione Giannino Bassetti è lieta di presentare la ricerca di Margaret Curnutte, Harvard-Bassetti Fellow presso il Program on Science, Technology & Society at Harvard University diretto dalla prof. Sheila Jasanoff, su “Consuming Genomes: Constructing The Genetic Consumer in ... Consuming Genomes

Redazione FGB

Il Nobel della discordia

Raramente l’assegnazione dei Nobel per le materie scientifiche guadagna, in Italia, le prime pagine dei giornali. Quest’anno però il premio per la medicina è andato a Robert G. Edwards, inventore – assieme al defunto Patrick Steptoe – di una tecnica che ha ancora non pochi detrattori: la fecondazione in vitro. Come raccontato dai principali quotidiani, ... Il Nobel della discordia

Margherita Fronte

A man, his history and his DNA

by Margherita Fronte One of humankind’s oldest needs – to know oneself. One of the most modern technologies – the DNA testing of a single individual. These are the 2 ingredients of the book entitled Go Ask Your Father: One Man’s Obsession with Finding His Origins Through DNA Testing (Bantam Books, 2009), written by Lennard ... A man, his history and his DNA

The Age Of The Genome

To celebrate the 10th anniversary of the historic announcement made by then president of the US Bill Clinton of the first sequencing of the human genome, BBC Radio 4 are broadcasting a series entitled The Age Of The Genome conducted by evolutionary biologist Professor Richard Dawkins. The first show (23rd June 2010) is currently available ... The Age Of The Genome

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Un uomo, la sua storia e il suo Dna

Uno dei bisogni più antichi dell’uomo – quello di conoscere se stessi – e una fra le tecnologie più moderne: l’esame del Dna del singolo individuo. Sono i due ingredienti del libro Go Ask Your Father: One Man’s Obsession with Finding His Origins Through DNA Testing (Bantam Books, 2009), scritto da Lennard Davis, professore di ... Un uomo, la sua storia e il suo Dna

Margherita Fronte

Lennard J Davis at The Bassetti Foundation

The Foundation is pleased to announce that American academic and author Lennard J Davis has accepted an invitation to Milan to participate in a round table discussion about his work and book entitled ‘Go Ask Your Father: One Man’s Obsession with Finding His Origins Through DNA Testing’ recently reviewed on the site. The discussion will ... Lennard J Davis at The Bassetti Foundation

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Biologia sintetica

“Let me now comment on the question “what next”. Up to now we are working on the descriptive phase of molecular biology. … But the real challenge will start when we enter the synthetic biology phase of research in our field. We will then devise new control elements and add these new modules to the ... Biologia sintetica

Redazione FGB

Go Ask Your Father about DNA

Imagine the scene, you grow up in a seemingly normal working class family but you always have the feeling that you are an outsider within that family, then just before your father’s death your mentally unstable uncle tells you that he has a secret that he wants to tell you. Your father dies and your ... Go Ask Your Father about DNA

Jonathan Hankins

Home DNA Testing for all the Family

On 17th November 2009 home DNA testing kits went on over the counter sale for the first time in high street chemists in the UK. These kits allow the DNA testing of a child’s paternity and involve the taking of saliva from both the child and the ‘alleged father’s’ mouth (their terminology) and its analysis. ... Home DNA Testing for all the Family

Jonathan Hankins

Scienze forensi e DNA

Su Le Scienze di settembre 2009 è stato pubblicato un interessante articolo di Lucia Bianchi e Pietro Liò dal titolo “Scienze forensi e DNA”. Gli autori si pongono il problema della mancanza di un quadro giuridico internazionale armonico per le banche dati del DNA. Il diffondersi delle nuove tecniche di rilevamento del DNA, più veloci ... Scienze forensi e DNA

Tommaso Correale Santacroce