ROSIE Project Final Virtual Meeting, a Review

The ROSIE: RESPONSIBLE & INNOVATIVE SMEs IN CENTRAL EUROPE project held its final event (virtually) on 23 June 2020, a celebration and presentation of three year’s work carried out across 8 central European countries and involving 11 partners. The aim of the project was to improve skills among entrepreneurs and innovation actors and to promote ... ROSIE Project Final Virtual Meeting, a Review

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I dialoghi di Fondazione Bassetti: our podcast

Many of our closest friends, those who are able to attend our meetings in Milan or who participate in our dialogues through social media, will already know that every seminar, meeting and lecture is documented using video and photography. We have recently added a podcast – called I dialoghi di Fondazione Bassetti – facility in ... I dialoghi di Fondazione Bassetti: our podcast

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A look back at 2019

As readers who follow the Bassetti Foundation regularly will know, 2019 was an important year for all of those involved in promoting and discussing responsibility in innovation across our network. In this post we offer a taster, hoping to wet some appetites for the coming year and decade. SERIES Several series of events ran across ... A look back at 2019

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I podcast della Fondazione Bassetti

I nostri più affezionati visitatori, con cui per la gran parte dialoghiamo durante gli eventi, negli incontri in sede a Milano o sulle pagine dei social, sanno che da molti anni documentiamo ogni nostro seminario, meeting, lecture con video e fotografie. Recentemente abbiamo deciso di produrre anche una versione podcast degli stessi contenuti, in modo ... I podcast della Fondazione Bassetti

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It’s Circular Forum. Future Cities smart, digital and circular. Le città del futuro interconnesse

Il 23 marzo 2019 si è svolta, presso l’Auditorium di Assimpredil Ance a Milano, la seconda edizione del forum sull’economia circolare “It’s Circular Forum”. Quest’anno gli interventi sono stati dedicati al concetto di città del futuro e digitalizzazione. Nel rendere disponibili le registrazioni dell’evento curato dall’Associazione 5Vie, cogliamo l’occasione per fornire un po’ di link ... It’s Circular Forum. Future Cities smart, digital and circular. Le città del futuro interconnesse

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Tommaso Correale Santacroce

An overview of 2018

2018 was a busy and successful year for the Bassetti Foundation and its team of collaborators that saw a host of publications, participation within numerous conferences, collaborations across a wide range of fields and several events hosted in Milan. The following aims to offer an overview of a year’s work, is not exhaustive but offers ... An overview of 2018

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A Look Back on 2017

2017 was our busiest year yet at the Bassetti Foundation. This review offers an overview of the year’s work on both the Italian National and broader European and international stage. THROUGHOUT THE YEAR – The SMART-Map Project SMART-map (RoadMAPs to Societal Mobilisation for the Advancement of Responsible Industrial Technologies) is a coordination and support action ... A Look Back on 2017

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Identità e valori delle medie imprese eccellenti italiane

Su idea del Centre for the Anthropology of Religion and Cultural Change (ARC) dell’Università Cattolica di Milano, nella persona di Giovanni Lanzone, e con la collaborazione di Guerini Editori e Fondazione Giannino Bassetti, il 21 giugno 2017 è stato organizzato un meeting dedicato a discutere gli elementi identitari del modello italiano di fare impresa. Rendiamo ... Identità e valori delle medie imprese eccellenti italiane

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Gli speakers per Fondazione Giannino Bassetti

(aggiornato al 7 maggio 2021) Documentando gli eventi che abbiamo organizzato o in cui siamo stati coinvolti – dalla nascita della Fondazione a oggi – abbiamo raccolto un patrimonio di immagini e video. Ci sembra che questo archivio, tutto a disposizione dei nostri lettori, non mostri i segni del tempo: il rapporto tra innovazione e ... Gli speakers per Fondazione Giannino Bassetti

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Tommaso Correale Santacroce

Looking Back on 2016

2016 was a busy year for the Bassetti Foundation (FGB), involving our participation in projects and conferences and events across the world. In this editorial we cast a light upon some of the year’s major events. Responsible Research and Innovation in Europe and across the World January saw FGB participate in the Go4 Joint Final ... Looking Back on 2016

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2015, promoting responsible forms of innovation

As regular readers will know, the mission of the Bassetti foundation involves promoting and participating in debates surrounding the development of responsible forms of innovation. Each year the foundation forms partnerships and promotes events with governance institutions, universities, private companies, NGO’s and foundations and international research groups. In this short review we cast our lens ... 2015, promoting responsible forms of innovation

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Italic Design Thinking. L’incontro con Mauro Porcini

Il 19 novembre 2015 si è svolto a Milano il primo incontro di Italic Design Thinking. Su progetto di Giulio Ceppi, una struttura di paideia – la Scuola Politecnica di Design presieduta da Antonello Fusetti – ha dialogato con due strutture di pensiero – Globus et Locus e Fondazione Bassetti – per introdurre il rappresentante ... Italic Design Thinking. L’incontro con Mauro Porcini

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