On March 11th, 2020, The World Health Organisation (WHO) has characterised COVID-19 as a pandemic. In its statement regarding this assessment, WHO has also clearly expressed its position regarding the fact that this is likely the very first pandemic that can be potentially controlled and, notwithstanding this, a number of countries in the World do ... ON POLICY CHOICES BY EUROPEAN COUNTRIES DURING THE 2020 COVID-19 OUTBREAK.

Maurizio Bettiga

What do epidemiologists do? Investigating a controversial symptomatology in Colombia

From May 2014 onwards the community of El Carmen de Bolivar, a municipality on the Caribbean Coast of Colombia, was hit by a mysterious outbreak with a very specific target: female teenagers. The symptoms, that from their first manifestation affected a growing numbers of girls, were general weakness, fainting, headaches, tachycardia, numbness in the extremities, ... What do epidemiologists do? Investigating a controversial symptomatology in Colombia

Maurizia Mezza

Immunità e vaccini. Le tre sfide poste dal libro di Alberto Mantovani.

Il 26 febbraio 2016, presso la sede di Assolombarda a Milano, si è tenuta la presentazione del nuovo libro dell’immunologo Alberto Mantovani, direttore scientifico di Humanitas e professore di Patologia generale presso la Humanitas University. Introdotto da Luca Carra di Scienza in Rete, l’incontro ha visto la partecipazione di Rino Rappuoli, responsabile dei programmi di ... Immunità e vaccini. Le tre sfide poste dal libro di Alberto Mantovani.

Luca Marelli
Virginia Sanchini