Borse di studio per il primo Master Executive Cultura e Salute in Italia

La CCW School è lieta di annunciare l’avvio della selezione per l’erogazione di 30 borse di studio per partecipare al primo Master Executive Cultura e Salute in Italia. Formula Progettazione, sviluppo e conduzione di interventi di welfare culturale (220 ore) Formula formula Progettazione di interventi di welfare culturale (140 ore)) Questa occasione è stata possibile ... Borse di studio per il primo Master Executive Cultura e Salute in Italia

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Il Museo Leonardo da Vinci di Milano seleziona un Ricercatore in Public Engagement

Il Museo Nazionale della Scienza e della Tecnologia Leonardo da Vinci progetta, realizza e promuove programmi di Public Engagement allo scopo di favorire l’incontro tra scienza e società e sviluppare cittadinanza scientifica grazie al costante dialogo con i cittadini e l’incontro tra gli stakeholder. Il Museo ha lanciato un bando per selezionare un ricercatore che ... Il Museo Leonardo da Vinci di Milano seleziona un Ricercatore in Public Engagement

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Junior Research Group Leader for the Interchange Forum for Reflecting on Intelligent Systems (IRIS).

The University of Stuttgart invites applications for a Junior Research Group Leader for the Interchange Forum for Reflecting on Intelligent Systems (IRIS). IRIS is inviting an excellent and experienced early career researcher to apply for a 4-year Junior Research Group Leader position to complement and expand our research activities. The focus of the new Junior ... Junior Research Group Leader for the Interchange Forum for Reflecting on Intelligent Systems (IRIS).

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Leiden University: PhD candidate in Social Studies of Science with a focus on research evaluation

Over the past decade, debate has intensified on how research is being funded, practiced, and evaluated. Some of the most visible initiatives include the San Francisco Declaration on Research Assessment (DORA), The Leiden Manifesto for research metrics and The Metric Tide, which have all critically reflected on the role of metrics in evaluation frameworks. As ... Leiden University: PhD candidate in Social Studies of Science with a focus on research evaluation

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Research Assistant (PostDoc) Berliner Hochschulen

Stellenticket Technische Universität Berlin Research Assistant (PostDoc) Berliner Hochschulen Working field: Research in the project “Methodology of the Synthetic Approach”, which investigates the collaboration between natural scientists and engineers in the Clusters of Excellence “Science of Intelligence”: – Preparation, carrying out and analysis of expert interviews and field observations – Content analysis of text documents ... Research Assistant (PostDoc) Berliner Hochschulen

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Corso di Perfezionamento in Etica e Metodologia della Sperimentazione Clinica Oncologica

Coordinatore: Gianluca Vago Co-coordinatore: Virginia Sanchini Segnaliamo il Corso di Perfezionamento in Etica e Metodologia della Sperimentazione Clinica Oncologica, promosso dal Dipartimento di Oncologia ed Emato-Oncologia dell’Università degli Studi di Milano. Il Corso si propone di fornire il know-how etico, metodologico e regolatorio necessario per condurre sperimentazioni cliniche oncologiche e si rivolge a tutte le ... Corso di Perfezionamento in Etica e Metodologia della Sperimentazione Clinica Oncologica

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PhD position in New social collectives in a smart and sustainable energy system

4 year, full-time PhD position in New social collectives in a smart and sustainable energy system Linkoping University, Department of Thematic Studies: Technology and Social Change Application Deadline: 7 December 2020 Linkoping University (Sweden) has advertised a fully funded 4 year PhD position in New social collectives in a smart and sustainable energy system. Research ... PhD position in New social collectives in a smart and sustainable energy system

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Postdoc position in ERC project on the organisation of international scientific consortia

The Faculty of Science at the University of Leiden is looking for a postdoctoral researcher who will conduct a research on international scientific consortia for the European Research Council Consolidator program project titled Addressing Global Challenges through International Scientific Consortia (INSCONS). The postdoctoral researcher will be working under the supervision of the principal investigator of ... Postdoc position in ERC project on the organisation of international scientific consortia

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ORION Open Science Train-the-Trainer Course

The ORION Open Science Train-the-Trainer is an online course which enables its participants to deliver Open Science training in a variety of contexts. Through online seminars, meet-ups, videos, group work and more, the participants acquire skills in the theory and methods of Open Science training. The online course runs from October 19th – November 4th ... ORION Open Science Train-the-Trainer Course

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Postdoctoral researcher position within ‘Digital Twins’ at Wageningen University

Wageningen University is offering a position for a post-doc researcher in the field of ethics of technology, philosophy of technology or Science and Technology Studies. This postdoctoral project is part of the WUR investment theme “Digital Twins” which consists of three multidisciplinary Digital Twin flagship projects. An important aim of the investment theme is to ... Postdoctoral researcher position within ‘Digital Twins’ at Wageningen University

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