VIRI 2018, a short report

As mentioned in a previous post, this year’s Annual Meeting of the Virtual Institute for Responsible Innovation (VIRI) was held in Szeged in Hungary. The event was hosted by the First Hungarian Responsible Innovation Association EMFIE and as a founding institutional affiliate member the Bassetti Foundation once again participated. Foreign Correspondent Jonathan Hankins was present, ... VIRI 2018, a short report

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VIRI, Fourth International Meeting

The fourth international meeting of the Virtual Institute for Responsible Innovation will take place on Thursday 4th and Friday 5th October in Szeged, Hungary, with Foreign Correspondent Jonathan Hankins present on behalf of the Bassetti Foundation. The meeting will be hosted by the First Hungarian Responsible Innovation Association (EMFIE), a non profit organization whose aim ... VIRI, Fourth International Meeting

Jonathan Hankins

Doctoral positions in Practical Philosophy within the Gothenburg-Lund Responsibility Project

The positions are offered by Lund University, Department of Philosophy. Lund University was founded in 1666 and has 42 000 students and 7 400 staff based in Lund, Helsingborg and Malmö. At the Department of Philosophy, research and education is conducted within three subjects: Cognitive science, Practical philosophy and Theoretical philosophy. While these subjects to ... Doctoral positions in Practical Philosophy within the Gothenburg-Lund Responsibility Project

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VIRI Annual Meeting and GET Conference, A Short Report

This year’s VIRI was held in Tempe Arizona between May 15 and 16 to coincide with the Governance of Emerging Technologies Conference the followed in Phoenix. The Foundation was represented by Board Member Ottavia Bassetti and Foreign Correspondent Jonathan Hankins, who attended both events offering readers the following short first hand report on the proceedings ... VIRI Annual Meeting and GET Conference, A Short Report

Jonathan Hankins
Sally Randles

Fifth Annual Conference on Governance of Emerging Technologies: Law, Policy and Ethics and Annual VIRI meeting

The Fifth Annual Conference on Governance of Emerging Technologies:Law, Policy and Ethics will be held at the new Beus Center for Law & Society in Phoenix, AZ between May 17-19, 2017, with Foundation Foreign Correspondent jonny Hankins in attendance to report on proceedings. The conference consists of both plenary and session presentations and discussions on ... Fifth Annual Conference on Governance of Emerging Technologies: Law, Policy and Ethics and Annual VIRI meeting

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Human Enhancement in Medicina: una prospettiva giuridica

Introduzione: la chiave di lettura Il fenomeno dello human enhancement comporta, sul fronte biomedico, prospettive inedite di miglioramento delle capacità umane ed implica, sul fronte giuridico, la necessità di analizzare quali potenziali mutamenti potrebbero occorrere nell’interpretazione ed applicazione di regole ed istituti giuridici tradizionali. Si vedano "Ethics, Human Enhancement and Genetics. Workshop all’ECAP7" e "Ethics, ... Human Enhancement in Medicina: una prospettiva giuridica

Giorgia Guerra

Late Lessons from Early Warnings

Last month the European Union published its long awaited report “Late Lessons from Early Warnings 2. Science, precaution, innovation“, a follow on after more than a decade from the first report of the same name. This is an enormous document of moire than 650 pages, extremely detailed and interesting, but a little difficult to navigate ... Late Lessons from Early Warnings

Jonathan Hankins

More Medical Patent Problems

Last month the US Supreme Court unanimously ruled that that the personalized medicine dosing process invented by Prometheus is not eligible for patent protection because the process is effectively an unpatentable law of nature. This decision reverses the Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit’s holding that the claims were patentable because they included substantial ... More Medical Patent Problems

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Intellectual Property and Responsibility (part 3)

Professor Biagioli was kind enough to dedicate some of his time to the Foundation in the form of a conversation with Jonathan Hankins. Topics covered were varied, but the major theme running through the discussion is responsibility in the patenting process. Many extremely interesting points came up, from how to lessen constraints on scientific research ... Intellectual Property and Responsibility (part 3)

Jonathan Hankins

Intellectual Property and Responsibility (part 2)

Professor Biagioli was kind enough to dedicate some of his time to the Foundation in the form of a conversation with Jonathan Hankins. Topics covered were varied, but the major theme running through the discussion is responsibility in the patenting process. Many extremely interesting points came up, from how to lessen constraints on scientific research ... Intellectual Property and Responsibility (part 2)

Jonathan Hankins

Intellectual Property and Responsibility

Professor Mario Biagioli is a Distinguished Professor of Law and Science and Technology Studies (STS), and Director of the new Center for Innovation Studies at University of California, Davis. To quote the website the Innovation studies center’s research “engages the many dimensions of the process of technoscientific innovation, from those that make it possible to ... Intellectual Property and Responsibility

Jonathan Hankins

Innovating Food, Innovating the Law – video e slides

Il 14 e 15 novembre 2011 si è svolto a Piacenza, presso l’Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore il convegno “Innovating Food, Innovating the Law“. Pubblichiamo il report di Paola Sobbrio con le fotografie dell’evento e i video suddivisi per interventi con le slide utilizzate nelle relazioni. In fondo alla pagina potete trovare l’elenco degli interventi ... Innovating Food, Innovating the Law – video e slides

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