A Conversation with Pallavi Phartiyal – part 1

Cambridge Massachusetts hosts one of the main offices of the Union of Concerned Scientists, described on their own website as “the leading science-based nonprofit working for a healthy environment and a safer world” They go on to state that “UCS combines independent scientific research and citizen action to develop innovative, practical solutions and to secure ... A Conversation with Pallavi Phartiyal – part 1

Jonathan Hankins

Dan Sperber lecture – 3/3

Event: Dan Sperber. Fondazione Bassetti lecture. Title: The deconstruction of social unreality. Date: 2011 09 03 Time: 31 min. Place: Università Vita-Salute San Raffaele, Milan, Italy. Language: English. url Vimeo: http://vimeo.com/28928117 Report: Dan Sperber. La lecture per la Fondazione Giannino Bassetti (in Italian) part III ECAP7 Milan, September 3, 2011 Università Vita-Salute San Raffaele Dan ... Dan Sperber lecture – 3/3

Dan Sperber

Dan Sperber lecture – 2/3

Event: Dan Sperber. Fondazione Bassetti lecture. Title: The deconstruction of social unreality. Date: 2011 09 03 Time: 18 min. Place: Università Vita-Salute San Raffaele, Milan, Italy. Language: English. url Vimeo: http://vimeo.com/28925111 Report: Dan Sperber. La lecture per la Fondazione Giannino Bassetti (in Italian) part II ECAP7 Milan, September 3, 2011 Università Vita-Salute San Raffaele Dan ... Dan Sperber lecture – 2/3

Dan Sperber

Dan Sperber lecture – 1/3

Event: Dan Sperber. Fondazione Bassetti lecture. Title: The deconstruction of social unreality. Date: 2011 09 03 Time: 32 min. Place: Università Vita-Salute San Raffaele, Milan, Italy. Language: English. url Vimeo: http://vimeo.com/28924148 Report: Dan Sperber. La lecture per la Fondazione Giannino Bassetti (in Italian) part I ECAP7 Milan, September 3, 2011 Università Vita-Salute San Raffaele Dan ... Dan Sperber lecture – 1/3

Dan Sperber

A threat to internet democracy?

Last week George Monbiot’s blog hosted by the Guardian UK featured an interesting follow on article about the problem of astroturfing, an issue that Mombiot has written about in greater detail on his personal blog site and in his book Heat. To anyone who is not a jargon fiend, astroturfing is the action of taking ... A threat to internet democracy?

Jonathan Hankins

Practicing Responsibilities: social engagement, controversy and innovation

At the Trento EASST conference, held 1-4th September 2010, workshop/track 32. “Practicing Responsibilities” was co-chaired by Cristina Grasseni (University of Bergamo / Bassetti Foundation); Luca Guzzetti (University of Genova) and Giuseppe Pellegrini (University of Padova) within the theme “social engagement, controversy and innovation”. The latest issue of EASST Review is available for download at EASST ... Practicing Responsibilities: social engagement, controversy and innovation

Open Culture

The website Open Culture describes itself as The best free cultural & educational media on the web. A claim that certainly sounds worthy of investigation. In this posting we take a quick look at some of the articles posted on the site that may be of interest to the Bassetti Foundation. At first glance the ... Open Culture

Redazione FGB

Different forms of expertise

Lunedì 3 maggio si è svolto presso la sede della Fondazione Giannino Bassetti un seminario con il professor Wiebe E. Bijker, professore di Tecnologia e società all’Università di Maastricht (Olanda). Abbiamo già pubblicato l’intervista al professor Bijker fatta da Margherita Fronte (Il ruolo degli esperti nella democrazia), ora rendiamo disponibile la registrazione del seminario e ... Different forms of expertise

Seminario di Wiebe Bijker in FGB

Lunedi 3 maggio, ore 15.30. "Different forms of expertise in democratising technological cultures: experiences from the current Societal Dialogue on Nanotechnologies in the Netherlands" Sede della Fondazione Giannino Bassetti via Barozzi 4, Milano Lunedi 3 maggio alle 15.30 Wiebe Bijker (Università di Maastricht) discuterà con Piero Bassetti, Cristina Grasseni, Paolo Volonté e Alessandro Blasimme il ... Seminario di Wiebe Bijker in FGB

Redazione FGB

Professor Wiebe E. Bijker in Giannino Bassetti Foundation

On May 3rd, 2010, the foundation has the honour of hosting Professor Wiebe E. Bijker in its Milan seat, via Michele Barozzi 4, at 15.30. Prof Bijker is currently Professor of Technology and Society at The University of Maastricht where his research focuses on the relationship between technology, society and science. Prof Bijker’s work has ... Professor Wiebe E. Bijker in Giannino Bassetti Foundation

Redazione FGB

Il Professor Wiebe E. Bijker in Fondazione Giannino Bassetti

Lunedi 3 maggio alle 15.30 la fondazione Bassetti ha l’onore di ospitare il professor Wiebe E. Bijker alla sua sede di Milano in via Michele Barozzi 4 . Wiebe Bijker insegna Tecnologia e Società all’università di Maastricht e la sua ricerca verte principalmente sulle relazioni tra scienza, tecnologia e società. Il suo lavoro ha molto ... Il Professor Wiebe E. Bijker in Fondazione Giannino Bassetti

Redazione FGB

Nuove forme di protagonismo sociale come esperimenti di democrazia e partecipazione

Da tempo ormai la Fondazione Bassetti si interroga sulle tematiche e le problematiche della democrazia partecipativa. Segnalo in questo contesto un evento che, proponendo un taglio di ricerca socio-antropologica a complemento del quadro politologico e sociologico-scientifico, presenta Le nuove forme di protagonismo sociale come esperimenti di democrazia e partecipazione. Nell’ambito di una serie di seminari ... Nuove forme di protagonismo sociale come esperimenti di democrazia e partecipazione

Cristina Grasseni