Postdoctoral Research Fellowship in AI Manufacturing, Ethics, and Policy

The Georgia Tech Ethics, Technology, and Human Interaction Center (ETHICx), together with the School of Public Policy at Georgia Tech, invites applications for a three-year Postdoctoral Research Fellowship, starting January 1, 2023, or as soon as possible after that. The Postdoctoral Research Fellow will be part of the School of Public Policy and ETHICx research ... Postdoctoral Research Fellowship in AI Manufacturing, Ethics, and Policy

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Developing meeting Points between Environmental Ethics and Philosophy of Technology: SPT Conference Call for Papers

May 20th-22th, 2019: SPT Conference, Texas A&M University, USA 300-word abstracts for individual papers to be submitted by Dec 1 The organizers invite papers by authors wanting to contribute to the continued bridging of the gap between environmental ethics and philosophy of technology. An increasing sense of urgency emerges in the light of unprecedented environmental ... Developing meeting Points between Environmental Ethics and Philosophy of Technology: SPT Conference Call for Papers

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Frankenstein, Annotated for Scientists, Engineers, and Creators of All Kinds

To celebrate the forthcoming 200th anniversary of the publication of Mary Shelley’s story of science, creation and responsibility, David H. Guston, Ed Finn and Jason Scott Robert offer a version ‘annotated for scientists, engineers, and creators of all types’, published through The MIT Press. The publication offers both an editors’preface and introduction (written by Charles ... Frankenstein, Annotated for Scientists, Engineers, and Creators of All Kinds

Jonathan Hankins

‘Affascinato dalla combinazione di tecnologia e materia vivente’. Jos Malda a Milano.

Il prossimo 9 maggio, presso la sede di Fondazione Giannino Bassetti, il professore Jos Malda dell’Università di Utrecht presenterà il suo lavoro e farà una panoramica sullo stato dell’arte del 3D printing in biomedicina. Jos Malda dirige un gruppo di ricerca multidisciplinare impegnato nella biofabrication e nella progettazione di biomateriali, utilizzati soprattutto nella rigenerazione di ... ‘Affascinato dalla combinazione di tecnologia e materia vivente’. Jos Malda a Milano.

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Professor Jos Malda in Milan: ‘fascinated by the combination of technology and living things’

On 9th May at the Bassetti Foundation in Milan, Universiteit Utrecht Professor Jos Malda will present his work and provide an overview of the state-of-the-art on 3D printing in the biomedical sector. Prof. Jos Malda heads a multidisciplinary research group that focuses on biofabrication and biomaterials design, in particular for the regeneration of (osteo) chondral ... Professor Jos Malda in Milan: ‘fascinated by the combination of technology and living things’

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Dal petrolio alla knowledge society.

Secondo una pratica che sta divenendo consuetudine, ospitiamo l’incipit di un articolo pubblicato in un altro sito, con spirito di scambio e circolazione delle idee. ———– ethics-science-society KAUST: dal petrolio alla knowledge society. Come la scienza sta cambiando l’Arabia Saudita. di Luca Marelli In Arabia Saudita, sulle sponde del Mar Rosso, a poco più di ... Dal petrolio alla knowledge society.

Luca Marelli

Game changers: Frontiers of Interaction

Torna a Milano Frontiers of Interaction (FOI), “spettacolo ibrido” che innesta musica, installazioni interattive, laboratori, incontri ad un convegno internazionale mutato in evento. È un momento esperienziale da cui, chi ne sa cogliere il flusso, può estrarre veramente molte cose: sapere, piacere, incontri. Più che rivolgersi a coloro che vengono chiamati “game changers”, sembra essere ... Game changers: Frontiers of Interaction

Tommaso Correale Santacroce

Design Will Own The Future at The Singularity University

Today our distinguished delegation was honored in visiting the Singularity University. This is the temple of innovation innovation! Located in the Nasa Research Center in the heart of the Silicon Valley and a stones throw from the likes of Google Headquarters, it is the perfect place to wrap up a series of events that have ... Design Will Own The Future at The Singularity University

Francesco Bassetti

MIRRORS: New Challenges for Knowledge-based Societies

(Read in English – Preview) Through the Mirrors of Science: New Challenges for Knowledge-based Societies, pubblicato nel 2010 per la Ontos Verlag, raccoglie i risultati conseguiti durante i due anni di attività di ricerca del progetto MIRRORS (Monitoring Ideas Regarding Research Organizations and Reasons in Science) finanziato dalla Commissione europea nell’ambito del “settimo programma quadro” ... MIRRORS: New Challenges for Knowledge-based Societies

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Politica partecipativa per il governo territoriale dell’innovazione

Agli inizi di Giugno, il Parco Tecnologico Padano e la Fondazione Bassetti hanno promosso un seminario dal titolo “Governo territoriale dell’innovazione e sviluppo locale“, con l’intenzione di sottolineare come alcune esperienze nell’ambito della politica partecipativa nella gestione dei processi innovativi tecnoscientifici siano state attivate non solo in alcune economie avanzate di tradizione anglosassone, ma anche ... Politica partecipativa per il governo territoriale dell’innovazione

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