The Future of Energy at Harvard University

On Monday I attended the first in a lecture series entitled The future of Energy at Harvard University. The series is organized by HUCE (Harvard University Center for the Environment) and involves 3 lectures between now and the end of April. The first lecture was delivered by Alison Macfarlane, Chairperson of the Nuclear Regulation Commission ... The Future of Energy at Harvard University

Jonathan Hankins

Smart Cities course

Harvard Graduate school of Design offers a course entitled Smart Cities: An introduction to urban Integrated Networked Solutions and may well be one of the leading exponents of responsible innovation through design. The course is taught by Nashid Nabian, and has produced some extremely interesting uses for technology. As the name suggests the focus is ... Smart Cities course

Cristina Grasseni
Jonathan Hankins

Harvard’s Journalist’s Resource Center

One of the issues has been repeatedly raised at the Bassetti Foundation is that of finding and communicating reliable scientific information. Journalists are often non-specialized and lack scientific training, and the reprinting of press releases that may not be unbiased is common. Here at the University of Harvard staff have created a Journalist’s Resource Center, ... Harvard’s Journalist’s Resource Center

Jonathan Hankins

Cristina Grasseni at the Harvard STS Circle

On Monday 28th of November long time Bassetti Foundation collaborator Dr Cristina Grasseni chaired a seminar at The STS Circle (Science, Technology and Society), part of the Harvard Kennedy School in Boston. The STS program is directed by Sheila Jasanoff who convened the seminar entitled ‘Skilled Visions: Critical Ecologies of Belonging’, in which Grasseni presented ... Cristina Grasseni at the Harvard STS Circle

Cristina Grasseni
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