Il dilemma del virus letale creato in laboratorio

Un gruppo di virologi olandesi diretto da Ron Fouchier, dell’Erasmus Medical Centre di Rotterdam, ha ottenuto in laboratorio una variante del virus dell’influenza aviaria (H5N1), in grado di trasmettersi efficacemente da uomo a uomo. Il mutante potrebbe causare una pandemia ad elevato tasso di letalità, dato che il virus naturale, che è diffuso fra i ... Il dilemma del virus letale creato in laboratorio

Margherita Fronte

iGEM Synthetic Biology World Championships

Last weekend saw MIT in Cambridge Massachusetts Host the 2011 iGEM World Championship Jamboree. The Jamboree took place over 3 days, from 5th to 7th of November, and for the eighth consecutive year prizes were given for synthetic biology projects. iGem is the International Genetically Engineered Machine Foundation, a foundation that is interested in synthetic ... iGEM Synthetic Biology World Championships

Redazione FGB

Science: September’s special edition on synthetic biology

On September 2 the US based journal science published a special edition on synthetic biology, a topic that has been debated through several article on this website. The journal was not entirely devoted to this single argument, although it contained several articles and reviews addressing the problem in a special edition section. The following is ... Science: September’s special edition on synthetic biology

Jonathan Hankins

Bergamo Science Festival

From the 1st to the 17th of October the Italian town of Bergamo hosts the 8th annual BergamoScienza Festival. The organizers state in their introduction to the program that their goal is to take science onto the street and make it accessible to maximum number of people possible, and the festival hosts an impressive number ... Bergamo Science Festival

Redazione FGB

An Ethics For Emerging Technologies

As a follow on from my previous introduction to synthetic biology posting I would like to take a look at the recent report entitled Ethical Issues in Synthetic Biology; a review of the debates. The report published in June 2009 is co-authored by Erik Parens, Josephine Johnston and Jacob Moses, all of The Hastings Center ... An Ethics For Emerging Technologies

Jonathan Hankins

An Introduction to Synthetic Biology

The first question must be what is synthetic biology? Variously touted as pertaining to the discipline of engineering, biology, genetics, nanotechnology or computing, the most common description is that of applying the concept of engineering to biological organisms. But what does that actually mean? In order to understand more about the techniques I would like ... An Introduction to Synthetic Biology

Jonathan Hankins