Springer Handbook of Robotics

Lo scorso 5 febbraio, a Washington, D.C., la Professional and Scholarly Division della Association of American Publishers, l’Associazione degli Editori Americani, ha annunciato i vincitori dei prestigiosi American Publishers Awards for Professional and Scholarly Excellence per il 2008, chiamati “PROSE Awards 2008” che, nel campo dell’editoria professionale e scientifica americana, sono l’equivalente dei premi Oscar. ... Springer Handbook of Robotics

Fiorella Operto

The mechanization of Empathy in Health Care – 1. Maja J. Matarić

An International Workshop organized by Luisa Damiano, Paul Dumouchel & Yoko Matsubara with the support of the Global COE Ars Vivendi. Il 24 Gennaio 2009, presso l’Università Ristumeikan di Kyoto, si è svolto un Workshop internazionale dedicato alla «tecnologizzazione dell’empatia» nell’ambito della cura della salute. Il convegno, concernente l’analisi dell’impatto delle nuove tecnologie nell’interazione tra ... The mechanization of Empathy in Health Care – 1. Maja J. Matarić

Quale natura e quali le funzioni degli agenti artificiali?

“Il nostro primo contributo al blog contiene un breve schema del progetto di ricerca, il protocollo d’intervista che stiamo utilizzando e un breve riassunto del nostro primo incontro coi ricercatori contattati.” (da: Artificial Empathy : diario di un’esplorazione) Queste le domande che strutturano le nostre interviste ai ricercatori incontrati. Obiettivi: Lo scopo di questa ricerca ... Quale natura e quali le funzioni degli agenti artificiali?

Luisa Damiano

What are the nature and functions of artificial agents?

“Our first contribution to this blog contains a brief outline of the research project, the protocol of interview that we have been using, and short summaries of our first meeting with researchers.” (from: Artificial Empathy: a research diary). These are the questions we use when we first interview a researcher. Objectives: The goal of this ... What are the nature and functions of artificial agents?

Report I – Communication Robots ATR

On January 26 we visited ATR (Advanced Telecomunication Research Institute International) a Japanese company of which some branches are specialised in the production of robots and whose headquarters are located close to Kyoto. Our interlocutor was Dr. Takayuki Kanda who gave us a a warm reception and detailed description of the research dedicated to in ... Report I – Communication Robots ATR

Report I: i Communication Robots dell’ATR

In data 26 gennaio abbiamo visitato la sede dell’ATR (Advanced Telecomunication Research Institute International) , una compagnia giapponese specializzata nella produzione di robots i cui quartieri generali sono situati vicino a Kyoto. Il Dr. Takayuki Kanda, ricercatore presso l’azienda e nostro interlocutore, ci ha introdotto all’esplorazione degli artefatti ATR attraverso una presentazione molto articolata delle ... Report I: i Communication Robots dell’ATR

Luisa Damiano

Artificial Empathy: a research diary.

Today’s sciences of the artificial extend all the way to the domain of emotions. The recent re-inclusion of the emotional dimension within cognition, in the scientific trend that considers knowing as a form of doing – constructing, creating, fabricating – transforms our understanding of cognitive processes. The science of cognition – which through the development ... Artificial Empathy: a research diary.

Artificial Empathy : diario di un’esplorazione

Oggi la scienza dell’artificiale si estende alla sfera delle emozioni. Con la recente re-inclusione della dimensione emozionale tra gli aspetti della cognizione, la linea del pensiero scientifico che più di ogni altra conosce attraverso il fare – costruire, creare, fabbricare – ha ampliato il proprio movimento conoscitivo nell’ambito dello studio dei processi cognitivi. La sfida ... Artificial Empathy : diario di un’esplorazione

Luisa Damiano

Dr. Ronald Arkin on Roboethics and Responsibility (part 3)

(…continues from the previous entry) Ubois: Do you see — I mean, another direction I could see this going is in the ways the lines between warfare and law enforcement get blurrier and blurrier. Arkin: Yeah, but that’s why I’m sticking to international warfare at this early stage right now. Now it’s granted that spin-off ... Dr. Ronald Arkin on Roboethics and Responsibility (part 3)

Dr. Ronald Arkin on Roboethics and Responsibility (part 2)

(…continues from the previous entry) Ubois: It’s an interesting question of when should you essentially exit a field or exit certain social or power structures, because you can’t abide by things any longer. Sort of the Norbert Weiner solution. Or when do you try to remain engaged. Arkin: Well, let me share my experience with ... Dr. Ronald Arkin on Roboethics and Responsibility (part 2)

Dr. Ronald Arkin on Roboethics and Responsibility (part 1)

Dr. Ronald Arkin is a Professor in the College of Computing at the Georgia Institute of Technology, and Director of the Mobile Robot Laboratory. In this discussion, he outlines the ethical aspects of robotics, especially those used in war; embedding ethical codes in technical systems; and how practitioners can effectively engage their colleagues in discussions ... Dr. Ronald Arkin on Roboethics and Responsibility (part 1)

Understanding Complexity: a Journey through Science

The CSI-Piemonte Technical-Scientific Committee is organizing the Convention “Understanding complexity: a journey through science” to be held on November 22nd-23th 2007 in Turin. The conference is promoted with support of the ISI Foundation and aims to help us reflect on complexity as something to be valued, and an intrinsic feature of natural, social and technological ... Understanding Complexity: a Journey through Science

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