René von Schomberg: Prospects of Institutionalizing the Research Values ‘openness’ and ‘Collaboration’

On November 30th 2022, René von Schomberg delivered an open lecture as part of the Cultures of Research series of the International Centre for Advanced Studies, Kaete Hamburger Kolleg, RWTH Aachen University Cultures of Research series of the International Centre for Advanced Studies, Kaete Hamburger Kolleg, RWTH Aachen University. The focus was on Robert Merton’s ... René von Schomberg: Prospects of Institutionalizing the Research Values ‘openness’ and ‘Collaboration’

Jonathan Hankins

Art in responsible innovation. A conversation with Mireia Bes Garcia and Oliver Langdon

Event: Art in responsible innovation. Title: A conversation with Mireia Bes Garcia and Oliver Langdon Date: 2022 10 25 Time: 24:49 min. Place: online. Language: English. url Vimeo: Podcast: Art in responsible innovation. A conversation with Mireia Bes Garcia and Oliver Langdon. Post: Art in responsible innovation. A conversation with Mireia Bes Garcia and ... Art in responsible innovation. A conversation with Mireia Bes Garcia and Oliver Langdon

Mireia Bes Garcia
Oliver Langdon

Toward Responsible innovation. Responsibility and Philosophy for a Humanely Sustainable Future

In this post I would like to offer some personal thoughts and interpretation on the latest book from Xavier Pavie, Toward Responsible innovation. Responsibility and Philosophy for a Humanely Sustainable Future. Xavier Pavie In the biography that precedes the first chapter, Pavie describes his research activities as addressing the notion of responsible innovation through philosophy ... Toward Responsible innovation. Responsibility and Philosophy for a Humanely Sustainable Future

Jonathan Hankins

Munich Center for Technology in Society (MCTS) announces several positions.

The professorship of Innovation, Society & Public Policy (Prof. Sebastian Pfotenhauer), based at the Munich Center for Technology in Society (MCTS), Technical University of Munich, announces a new research group that will investigate future mobility at the intersection of societal needs, urban technopolitics, and spatial (re)configurations. The group will consist of up to three postdocs ... Munich Center for Technology in Society (MCTS) announces several positions.

Redazione FGB

Bernd Carsten Stahl launches his new Open Access book, 28 April 2021.

In his new book Artificial Intelligence for a Better Future, An Ecosystem Perspective on the Ethics of AI and Emerging Digital Technologies, Bernd Carsten Stahl raises the question of how we can we harness the benefits of artificial intelligence (AI), while addressing potential ethical and human rights risks. The author (whom regular readers will know) ... Bernd Carsten Stahl launches his new Open Access book, 28 April 2021.

Redazione FGB

Open Lecture by Dr. Dr. phil. René von Schomberg on Responsible Research and Innovation

Open Lecture by Dr. Dr. phil. René von Schomberg on Responsible Research and Innovation (Organized by the Beyond Cosmethics IdeaLab) Event Date: Wednesday February 3rd, 16.00 – 17.30 (online). Event Description: The organizers of the Beyond Cosmethics IdeaLab cordially invite you to the IdeaLab’s opening lecture on Responsible Research and Innovation held by Dr. Dr. ... Open Lecture by Dr. Dr. phil. René von Schomberg on Responsible Research and Innovation

Redazione FGB

Journal of Responsible Innovation, Vol. 7, issue 2 Reviewed

The second issue of volume 7 of the Journal of Responsible Innovation has just been published. In this post we offer an overview of the publication with links to those articles offered open access (for details on the Journal’s move to full open access see here). In his editorial Necessary conditions for responsible innovation, Editor ... Journal of Responsible Innovation, Vol. 7, issue 2 Reviewed

Jonathan Hankins

Responsible Innovation, A Narrative Approach: Serialized in Blog Form

In order to celebrate the release of his book Responsible Innovation, A Narrative Approach (you can find it here), Foreign Correspondent Jonathan Hankins is running a ten-part series on the technologybloggers website in which he offers an outline of each chapter alongside posts offering further analysis of topics addressed. The series started in June with ... Responsible Innovation, A Narrative Approach: Serialized in Blog Form

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Journal of Responsible Innovation to Become Open Access with Impact Factor

Open Access Volume 8 of the Journal of Responsible Innovation will be the first to be fully open access, in a move that as Editor in Chief Erik Fisher explains will allow the journal to ‘retain most if not all of the current authorship (including grad students, junior and independent scholars, and professionals) and article ... Journal of Responsible Innovation to Become Open Access with Impact Factor

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Responsible Innovation, a Narrative Approach, di Jonathan Hankins

Responsible Innovation, a Narrative Approach di Jonathan Hankins, è stato pubblicato grazie alla Scuola di Dottorato dell’Università di Bergamo. Il libro si basa sulla tesi di dottorato di Hankins, dedicata alla “Innovazione Poiesis Intensive”, uno dei grandi filoni esplorati dalla Fondazione Bassetti. Hankins utilizza casi studio per evidenziare come coloro che seguono un approccio artigianale ... Responsible Innovation, a Narrative Approach, di Jonathan Hankins

Responsible Innovation, a Narrative Approach, by Jonathan Hankins

The latest Responsible Innovation publication, Responsible Innovation, a Narrative Approach by Bassetti Foundation Foreign Correspondent Jonathan Hankins has just been published through the Doctorate School of Bergamo University. The book is based on Hankins’ PhD thesis of the same name, in which he investigates one of the Bassetti Foundation approaches to thinking about responsibility in ... Responsible Innovation, a Narrative Approach, by Jonathan Hankins

Redazione FGB

Journal of Responsible Innovation: Volume 7, Issue 1

The first issue of Volume 7 of the Journal of Responsible Innovation is now available. Much of this issue is open access, offering readers some fantastic opportunities and high quality articles, ideal for whiling away the lockdown hours. In his editorial piece Reinventing responsible innovation, Editor in Chief Erik Fisher describes recent developments within the ... Journal of Responsible Innovation: Volume 7, Issue 1

Jonathan Hankins