L’età genetica. Recensione del libro di Matthew Cobb

Il nuovo libro di Matthew Cobb sull’ingegneria genetica, qui recensito, si inscrive in un filone di riflessione cui Fondazione Bassetti da anni dedica attenzione. Insieme all’intelligenza artificiale, proprio l’editing genetico e l’eventuale trasmissibilità delle sue conseguenze alle generazioni future sono stati oggetto delle principali richieste di moratoria, espressione di una società che chiede regolamentazione su ... L’età genetica. Recensione del libro di Matthew Cobb

Elisa Mariani

Book Review. Digital Ageism: how it operates and approaches to tackling it

Digital Ageism: How it operates and approaches to tackling it, is publication number 56 in the Routledge Studies in New Media and Cyberculture series. Edited by Andrea Rosales, Mireia Fernández-Ardèvol and Jakob Svensson, the book aims to create awareness about how ageism operates in society, while contributing to a broad discussion about digital ageism. This ... Book Review. Digital Ageism: how it operates and approaches to tackling it

Jonathan Hankins

Putting Responsible Research and Innovation into Practice. A Multi-stakeholder Approach

Putting Responsible Research and Innovation into Practice. A Multi-stakeholder Approach, edited by Vincent Blok, (Library of Ethics and Applied Philosophy Volume 40, published by Springer, 2022), is a collection that has grown out of the NewHoRRIzon project (2017-2021). This project focused on developing a ‘conceptual and operational basis to fully integrate RRI into European and ... Putting Responsible Research and Innovation into Practice. A Multi-stakeholder Approach

Jonathan Hankins

Launch of the Critical Infrastructures Lab

What is the Critical Infrastructures Lab? The Critical Infrastructures lab is hosted by the University of Amsterdam. From the website we learn that the lab aims to create space to co-develop alternative infrastructural futures that center people and planet over profit and capital by establishing a community around three infrastructural subtopics (geopolitics, standards, environment), producing ... Launch of the Critical Infrastructures Lab

Jonathan Hankins

Journal of Responsible Innovation, Volume 9, Issue 3

This issue contains six research articles, opening with Challenges in the implementation of responsible researchand innovation across Horizon 2020 from Raúl Tabarés, Anne Loeber, Mika Nieminen, Michael J. Bernstein,Erich Griessler, Vincent Blok, Joshua Cohen, Helmut Hönigmayer, Ulrike Wunderle and Elisabeth Frankus. Based on policy document analysis as a series of interviews carried out as part ... Journal of Responsible Innovation, Volume 9, Issue 3

Jonathan Hankins

Journal of Responsible Innovation, Volume 9, Issue 2

As regular readers might imagine, Issue 2 opens with Erik Fisher‘s Editorial, in this case Responding to difference in and for RI. Fisher identifies the theme of responding to difference in and for responsible innovation as being salient to this issue, described as ‘a rich selection of scholarly treatments of difference in the framings, strategies, ... Journal of Responsible Innovation, Volume 9, Issue 2

Jonathan Hankins

Responsible Innovation in Health. A book review.

Responsible Innovation in Health. Concepts and Tools for Sustainable Impact draws on RRI literature and approaches to develop the concept of Responsible Innovation in Health (RIH) and a toolbox for its implementation. It is free to download here and here (under OUTCOMES). The publication grows out of the authors’ work in the In Fieri Research ... Responsible Innovation in Health. A book review.

Jonathan Hankins

Volume 9, Issue 1 of the Journal of Responsible Innovation Reviewed

Volume 9 opens with Erik Fisher’s Editorial Engaging with societal challenges in responsible innovation, in which the Editor in Chief describes how the issue considers some of the ways in which grand societal challenges have been invoked, framed, and addressed by scientific researchers, university administrators, global actors, and the responsible research and innovation (RRI) community ... Volume 9, Issue 1 of the Journal of Responsible Innovation Reviewed

Jonathan Hankins

The Arduous Road to Revolution. Resisting Authoritarian Regimes in The Digital Communication Age.

The Arduous Road to Revolution. Resisting Authoritarian Regimes in The Digital Communication Age is the latest book from Gabriele Giacomini (Mimesis International, 2022). As the title suggests, Giacomini not only offers an analysis of historical events (predominantly based on revolutions against regimes in Myanmar, Ukraine, Iran, Egypt, Hong Kong and Belarus), but goes on to ... The Arduous Road to Revolution. Resisting Authoritarian Regimes in The Digital Communication Age.

Jonathan Hankins

L’innovazione e i suoi nemici. Perché le persone resistono alle nuove tecnologie.

Calestous Juma, Innovation and its enemies. Why people resist the new technologies, Oxford University Press, Oxford (UK), 2016, 416 pp. INDICE dell’articolo: Il tema L’autore e il suo approccio al tema Il titolo L’articolazione degli argomenti Le lezioni da apprendere IL TEMA Questo libro, che illustra il proprio oggetto sin dal titolo e già nelle ... L’innovazione e i suoi nemici. Perché le persone resistono alle nuove tecnologie.

Roberta Garruccio

Entrepreneurship and Technical Change, a Book Review

At the Bassetti Foundation we believe that responsibility in innovation must lie in the process, and therefore with the entrepreneur. From this point of view the 2011 publication entitled Entrepreneurship and Technological Change (published by Edward Elgar) offers insight and analysis into the influence of entrepreneurship upon technical change and innovation. The book is divided ... Entrepreneurship and Technical Change, a Book Review

Jonathan Hankins

28 Seeds, a review of the event

This week saw the final evening of an extremely successful Boston Center for the Arts run of the multimedia event entitled 28 Seeds, and I was fortunate enough to experience it. The event takes the form of a musical play, and is presented by Liars and Believers Theater co in collaboration with Walter Sickert and ... 28 Seeds, a review of the event

Jonathan Hankins