Deadly Monopolies by H. A. Washington, a book review

Deadly Monopolies carries a subtitle on the cover: ‘The Shocking Corporate Takeover Of life Itself – And The Consequences For Your Health And Our Medical Future’. As this suggests the book takes a critical look at the biological patent industry, the effects upon society of the proliferation of the patenting of naturally occurring elements, and ... Deadly Monopolies by H. A. Washington, a book review

Redazione FGB

Humanizing Tomorrow’s Biomedicine

La Fondazione Bassetti è lieta di annunciare la sua partecipazione e sponsorizzazione del tredicesimo International Intensive Course in Bioethics intitolato Humanizing Tomorrow’s Biomedicine, che si svolgerà tra il 13 e il 24 luglio 2009 a Udine. Dopo l’apertura, il commento e una prefazione circa le finalità e la struttura del corso, si inizia con la ... Humanizing Tomorrow’s Biomedicine

A look at The Hastings Center Bioethics Forum

For anybody interested in taking an overview of current debate on bioethics, the Hastings Center bioethics forum would be a good starting point. I say this not only because the forum hosts the Centre’s own bioethics blog, well informed and non partizan as ever, but also because it provides links to many other blogs addressing ... A look at The Hastings Center Bioethics Forum

Jonathan Hankins

Is ethics a branch of Politics?

Returning to take a more in-depth look at the work of The Hastings Center and its interest in bio-ethics, I would like to review their recent online and hardback publication entitled From Birth to Death and Bench to Clinic: The Hastings Center Bioethics Briefing Book for Journalists, Policymakers, and Campaigns. Reading this book I became ... Is ethics a branch of Politics?

Cristina Grasseni
Jonathan Hankins

Ethical Decision Making During A (Possible) Flu Pandemic

As a first introduction to the complex problems of bio-ethics and scenario planning I would like to signpost an article published in the bioethics forum of an interesting website run by The Hastings Centre, a non partisan research centre dedicated to bioethics and public interest issues that I will take a more in-depth look at ... Ethical Decision Making During A (Possible) Flu Pandemic

Jonathan Hankins