More Medical Patent Problems

Last month the US Supreme Court unanimously ruled that that the personalized medicine dosing process invented by Prometheus is not eligible for patent protection because the process is effectively an unpatentable law of nature. This decision reverses the Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit’s holding that the claims were patentable because they included substantial ... More Medical Patent Problems

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Teaching science in schools, some ideas

Science learning in the classroom presents the opportunity for teachers to introduce the problems of ethics and responsibility at an early age. In this post we look at 3 UK based projects that all aim to develop science teaching and involve the students in innovative ways. The BBC news website carries an interesting article about ... Teaching science in schools, some ideas

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Genetic test inaccuracy: a new report

On Tuesday 31 May Rachel Kalf from the department of epidemiology at Erasmus University Medical Centre, Rotterdam in The Netherlands presented a paper at the annual conference of the European Society of Human Genetics in which she argued that home genetic tests are neither acurate nor beneficial to the individual. Her conclusion is the result ... Genetic test inaccuracy: a new report

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Genetica "fai da te" dai microfoni di formicablu

formicablu ha intercettato l’incontro con Margaret Curnutte svoltosi il 16 maggio 2011 presso la sede della Fondazione Bassetti, intervistando Francesca Petrera e la stessa Curnutte per il programma PiGreco Party in onda ogni settimana in diretta su Radio Città del Capo di Bologna. formicablu è una rete di professionisti che si muove tra il giornalismo, ... Genetica "fai da te" dai microfoni di formicablu

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Consuming Genomes. Materiali – aggiornamento

Rinnovando la segnalazione e l’invito ad iscriversi all’incontro con Margaret Curnutte il 16 maggio 2011, presso la sede della Fondazione Bassetti, proponiamo qualche materiale introduttivo: un abstract della sua ricerca, la scaletta del talk che terrà lunedì e una panoramica degli articoli sull’argomento pubblicati recentemente nel nostro sito e in via di pubblicazione. – Leggi ... Consuming Genomes. Materiali – aggiornamento

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Home genetic testing and the law

As a lead up to the presentation entitled ‘the construction of the genetic consumer in the US’ that will be delivered by Margaret Curnutte here at the Bassetti Foundation in Milan on 16th May I would like to take a brief look at the way in which the legal community and governmental regulatory organizations view ... Home genetic testing and the law

Jonathan Hankins

Consuming Genomes. Materiali

Rinnovando la segnalazione e l’invito ad iscriversi all’incontro con Margaret Curnutte il 16 maggio 2011, presso la sede della Fondazione Bassetti, proponiamo una panoramica degli articoli sull’argomento pubblicati recentemente nel nostro sito e in via di pubblicazione. La ricerca di Margaret Curnutte affronta i recenti cambiamenti di atteggiamento per quanto riguarda l’assistenza sanitaria, e la ... Consuming Genomes. Materiali

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Genetic Consumerism

On 16th May 2011 Margaret Curnutte, PhD Candidate at the University of Milan, European School for Molecular Medicine and Bassetti Fellow at the Program on Science, Technology & Society at Harvard University will present a paper at the Bassetti Foundation in Milan outlining her work. Curnutte has spent the last year part funded by the ... Genetic Consumerism

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The Genes and Patent issue

On Friday 30th October The New York Times business section carried an article entitled ‘US Says Genes Should Not Be Eligible For Patents’ written by Andrew Pollack. In the article the author explains that ‘Reversing a longstanding policy, the federal government said on Friday that human and other genes should not be eligible for patents ... The Genes and Patent issue

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Slow food, fast genes: the different timescapes of innovation and responsibility in the anthropology of food (2)

(continua da “Slow food, fast genes… (1)”) Timescapes of authenticity Innovation or creativity: which is the best concept for explaining the kind of novelty that affects our daily consumption of food? We can take innovation to mean “the improbable made real” (see Piero Bassetti’s LSE lecture on Innovation, social risk and political responsibility; in italian: ... Slow food, fast genes: the different timescapes of innovation and responsibility in the anthropology of food (2)

Cristina Grasseni

Slow food, fast genes: the different timescapes of innovation and responsibility in the anthropology of food (1)

In apertura della rubrica sull’antropologia dell’innovazione ho ritenuto opportuno segnalare ai lettori del sito la recente conferenza annuale dell’Association of Social Anthropologists (ASA), tenutasi ad Aberdeen dal 4 al 7 aprile 2005, sul tema “Creativity and cultural improvisation”. In particolare il panel su “Creativity and temporality”si proponeva di trovare risposte antropologiche alle seguenti questioni (riportate ... Slow food, fast genes: the different timescapes of innovation and responsibility in the anthropology of food (1)

Cristina Grasseni