Munich Center for Technology in Society (MCTS) announces several positions.

The professorship of Innovation, Society & Public Policy (Prof. Sebastian Pfotenhauer), based at the Munich Center for Technology in Society (MCTS), Technical University of Munich, announces a new research group that will investigate future mobility at the intersection of societal needs, urban technopolitics, and spatial (re)configurations. The group will consist of up to three postdocs ... Munich Center for Technology in Society (MCTS) announces several positions.

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La scienza controversa. Quando i ricercatori litigano e la conoscenza progredisce.

La scienza controversa. Quando i ricercatori litigano e la conoscenza progredisce Meta lecture – Wewbinar – Venerdì 12 Marzo, dalle 11.00 alle 13.00 Il dibattito, organizzato dal Politecnico di Milano (META Unità di studi umanistici e sociali su scienza e tecnologia), affronterà il tema di come la scienza cresca all’accendersi di nuove controversie. Lo ha ... La scienza controversa. Quando i ricercatori litigano e la conoscenza progredisce.

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Ethical Decision Making During A (Possible) Flu Pandemic

As a first introduction to the complex problems of bio-ethics and scenario planning I would like to signpost an article published in the bioethics forum of an interesting website run by The Hastings Centre, a non partisan research centre dedicated to bioethics and public interest issues that I will take a more in-depth look at ... Ethical Decision Making During A (Possible) Flu Pandemic

Jonathan Hankins