New Principles For Responsible Innovation, have your say!

As part of the European Commission’s Digital Agenda for Europe, Hilary Sutcliffe of the UK based think-tank MATTER has launched the New Principles for Responsible Innovation document. The document is an open call for comments, with particular interest and questions about the following aspects of RI: 1. Purpose – is it realistic to think that ... New Principles For Responsible Innovation, have your say!

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Blogging Responsible Innovation

In this post I would like to take a look at how and where Responsible Innovation is addressed through blogging. Last week saw the launch of the (University of) Manchester Policy Blogs. The blogs provide a platform for researchers and academics to blog about policy-related issues, including how science policy relates to and interacts with ... Blogging Responsible Innovation

Jonathan Hankins

A Conversation with Hilary Sutcliffe of Matter

Hilary Sutcliffe is the Director of Matter, described on the homepage as ” a new ‘action tank’ whose aim is “Bringing Responsible Innovation to life”. As a follow up to his review of their “Report On Responsible Research and Innovation” Jonathan Hankins posed a series of questions regarding the future of Responsible Innovation to the ... A Conversation with Hilary Sutcliffe of Matter

Jonathan Hankins

A Report On Responsible Research and Innovation

As a follow up to my post regarding René Von Schomberg’s Matrix for Responsible Innovation I would like to point readers towards a document entitled “A Report On Responsible Research and Innovation” that is free to download from the MATTER homepage linked below. The document was written by Hilary Sutcliffe, the Director of MATTER, on ... A Report On Responsible Research and Innovation

Jonathan Hankins