Journal of Responsible Innovation Launch Party

On Saturday 15th February the Bassetti Foundation were proud to attend and co-sponsor the launch party for the new Journal of Responsible Innovation. The launch took place at the Crystal Ballroom, Fairmont Chicago during the AAAS 2014 Annual Meeting, and Ottavia Bassetti, Jeff Ubois and Jonathan Hankins were in attendance on behalf of the Bassetti ... Journal of Responsible Innovation Launch Party

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AAAS Meeting and Journal for Responsible Innovation Launch

The American Association for the Advancement of Science is holding its annual meeting in Chicago from 13th to 17th February, and Jonathan Hankins, Ottavia Bassetti and Jeff Ubois will represent the Bassetti Foundation. The American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS) is an international non-profit organization dedicated to advancing science for the benefit of ... AAAS Meeting and Journal for Responsible Innovation Launch

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Nuovo giornalismo

La rete ha rinnovato la comunicazione su più fronti e il giornalismo non poteva rimanere indenne alle novità portate dall’avvento del world wide web. Le mutazioni che stanno vivendo le redazioni in tutto il mondo sono in continua evoluzione e richiedono aggiornamento tecnologico, insieme a una visione del futuro della comunicazione ad ampio raggio. Allo ... Nuovo giornalismo

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Harvard’s Journalist’s Resource Center

One of the issues has been repeatedly raised at the Bassetti Foundation is that of finding and communicating reliable scientific information. Journalists are often non-specialized and lack scientific training, and the reprinting of press releases that may not be unbiased is common. Here at the University of Harvard staff have created a Journalist’s Resource Center, ... Harvard’s Journalist’s Resource Center

Jonathan Hankins

News ‘a lunga percorrenza’

Questo articolo si inserisce nel filone dei contributi che stiamo pubblicando dedicati ai nuovi modi di comunicare e informare sul web, sia nel mezzo che nel contenuto. Modi che hanno un impatto sulla quotidianità degli individui e che modificano gli assetti di potere e di responsabilità nella gestione della comunicazione locale e globale. Il web ... News ‘a lunga percorrenza’

Angela Simone
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