Bando Citizen Science e Scienze Sociali

Bando RTDA Università di Siena, su fondi del PNRR “Citizen science e scienze sociali: collegamenti teorici e metodologi in contesto universitario” [giovanigeografi] DEADLINE: 12 dicembre 2022 La posizione è offerta dal National Biodiversity Future Center (NBFC) Node 3 “Valutazione e monitoraggio della biodiversità terrestre e d’acqua dolce e sua evoluzione: dalla tassonomia alla genomica e ... Bando Citizen Science e Scienze Sociali

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Call for Abstracts for GETS Conference

The Seventh Annual Conference on Governance of Emerging Technologies & Science (GETS) takes place between May 22-24, 2019 / Arizona State Universiaty / Sandra Day O’Connor College of Law in Phoenix Arizona and the co-sponsors are inviting submission of abstracts for proposed presentations. Abstracts are invited for any aspect or topic relating to the governance ... Call for Abstracts for GETS Conference

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EPIGENomics and Health Care Policy

EPIGENomics and Health Care policy: Challenges and Opportunities December 1-3, 2014 IEO, via Adamello 16 Milan, Italy (Go to the site of conference) The rise of epigenomics has been exponential over the last decade, in terms of scientific breakthroughs and technological advances as well as in the public salience of its discourse. Its impact is ... EPIGENomics and Health Care Policy

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23andMe Awarded Their First Patent

Following on from my post about my attendance at the Architecture for Life conference at the Kennedy School of Government I would like to direct readers to a very interesting and informative article. The article entitled ‘Patenting and Personal Genomics: 23andMe Receives its First Patent, and Plenty of Questions’ appears on the Genomics Law Report ... 23andMe Awarded Their First Patent

Jonathan Hankins