INSS Annual Conference Report

The INSS Third Annual Conference took place this year between April 9th and 10th, with Bassetti Foundation Foreign Correspondent Jonathan Hankins attending the London site. This year’s conference was held over 5 sites, in an attempt to make the event as sustainable as possible by cutting down on travel for the participants. Several seminars and ... INSS Annual Conference Report

Redazione FGB

Open Science: London calling

(In fondo all’articolo, aggiornamento del 7 agosto 2012) E’ tra i Paesi europei che producono e pubblicano maggiormente risultati di ricerca nel mondo. E allo stesso tempo è il Paese che detiene un numero cospicuo di prestigiose e importanti case editrici scientifiche. Se la rivoluzione dell’open science ha investito in pieno il Regno Unito, spingendolo ... Open Science: London calling

Angela Simone

Design and Everyday Objects at London’s Science Museum

Followers of the website will be aware of the Bassetti Foundation’s Design Project, and in this post I would like to take a look at an interesting exhibition currently on display at the London Science Museum. The exhibition is entitled ‘Hidden Heroes: The Genius of Everyday Things”, and contains just that, everyday things. Objects on ... Design and Everyday Objects at London’s Science Museum

Jonathan Hankins