Arrivano i robot

Fra luglio e agosto la roboetica è stata più volte protagonista sulle pagine dei giornali e sui siti web, anche perché diversi robot dalle fattezze umane o somiglianti ad animali sono giunti a un livello di sviluppo tale da far notizia anche per un pubblico di non esperti. Queste macchine sono state progettate e costruite ... Arrivano i robot

Margherita Fronte

Report I – Communication Robots ATR

On January 26 we visited ATR (Advanced Telecomunication Research Institute International) a Japanese company of which some branches are specialised in the production of robots and whose headquarters are located close to Kyoto. Our interlocutor was Dr. Takayuki Kanda who gave us a a warm reception and detailed description of the research dedicated to in ... Report I – Communication Robots ATR

Artificial Empathy: a research diary.

Today’s sciences of the artificial extend all the way to the domain of emotions. The recent re-inclusion of the emotional dimension within cognition, in the scientific trend that considers knowing as a form of doing – constructing, creating, fabricating – transforms our understanding of cognitive processes. The science of cognition – which through the development ... Artificial Empathy: a research diary.

The fourth global iSummit Centre in Sapporo, Japan

The fourth global iSummit will be held at the Sapporo convention centre in Sapporo, Japan from 29 July to 1 August, 2008. iCommons in association with Digital Garage, Creative Commons Japan and the City of Sapporo will bring together pioneers of the free Internet from over 60 countries around the world. The summit boasts an ... The fourth global iSummit Centre in Sapporo, Japan

Redazione FGB

Of flies and forests: putting laboratory work in its social context (part 2)

…Prosegue dal precedente post… CG That’s a very interesting context because usually, when we think about public understanding of science or media exposure of a scientific discovery, it’s always thought of as something monolithic, and the term of comparison is by a kind of implicit definition western society. Very rarely one takes into consideration that ... Of flies and forests: putting laboratory work in its social context (part 2)

Of flies and forests: putting laboratory work in its social context (part 1)

In questa intervista a Sophie Houdart realizzata al Centre Culturel International di Cerisy-La-Salle (Francia, luglio 2006), durante il seminario “L’anthropologie historique de la raison scientifique” diretto da Philippe Descola e Bruno Latour, abbiamo discusso dei molti collegamenti tra l’etnografia della scienza e l’innovazione responsabile. Il lavoro di Sophie Houdart mette in luce molte importanti categorie, ... Of flies and forests: putting laboratory work in its social context (part 1)