A Joint Statement from the Technology Bloggers Editors, Christopher Roberts and Jonathan Hankins

News From Technology Bloggers and the Bassetti Foundation As regular readers will know, Foreign Scientific Correspondent Jonathan Hankins has co-edited the Technology Bloggers website for many years. To celebrate a funding agreement between the Bassetti Foundation and Technology Bloggers, the authors have released a joint statement: A Joint Statement from the Technology Bloggers Editors, Christopher ... A Joint Statement from the Technology Bloggers Editors, Christopher Roberts and Jonathan Hankins

Jonathan Hankins
Redazione FGB

Blogging Responsible Innovation

In this post I would like to take a look at how and where Responsible Innovation is addressed through blogging. Last week saw the launch of the (University of) Manchester Policy Blogs. The blogs provide a platform for researchers and academics to blog about policy-related issues, including how science policy relates to and interacts with ... Blogging Responsible Innovation

Jonathan Hankins

Technology Bloggers Community Awards 2012

The 2012 Technology Bloggers Community Awards have just been announced and Bassetti Foundation Foreign Corespondent Jonathan Hankins has taken one award and came runner up in two more. Hankins writes a weekly contribution to the community blog raising awareness about issues surrounding responsibility in technological and scientific innovation, and this is the second year in ... Technology Bloggers Community Awards 2012

Jonathan Hankins
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Can We Improve the Health of the Planet?

In December and January Jonathan Hankins published a series of posts on the Technology Bloggers community blog entitled ‘Can We Improve the Health of the Planet?’ an extension of his work on the subject of ‘Sustainability as Responsibility’. The series ran for 6 weeks, with one post a week. Topics included cutting fuel emissions in ... Can We Improve the Health of the Planet?

Jonathan Hankins
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Technology Bloggers New Year Awards

New year’s eve saw the Technology Bloggers website announce the winners of several prizes, and the Bassetti Foundation’s Jonathan Hankins took 2. Hankins was awarded ‘top newcomer’ and ‘top all-rounder’ for his contributions over the last 6 months. As the name suggests, the blog addresses many issues related to technology, from reviews of new technology ... Technology Bloggers New Year Awards

Jonathan Hankins
Redazione FGB

Is Citizen Science Coming of Age?

Last year I posted an introductory article to citizen science, something that I again touched upon in a newer article about synthetic biology, and recently have been following some interesting developments in the field. One of these developments involves a game called ‘Fold. It’ and gamers appear to have made a breakthrough in scientific understanding. ... Is Citizen Science Coming of Age?

Jonathan Hankins