"Where are we going?"

The ironic title above hints at the fact that after many years of communication through our own site we have decided to spread the argument of responsibility and innovation through various social networking websites. In reality our interest in the sharing of information is anything but new, all of our material is published through a ... "Where are we going?"

Technoscientific Innovation a Padova

A Padova, il primo aprile 2009, presso l’Archivio Antico, verrà presentato il volume a cura di Giuseppe Pellegrini "Technoscientific Innovation. Responsibility and New Models of Democracy in Science and Society relationship" della Collana libri della Fondazione Bassetti edita da Rubbettino. All’incontro, organizzato in collaborazione con la Fondazione Bassetti, interverranno Gianni Riccamboni (Preside della Facoltà di ... Technoscientific Innovation a Padova

Redazione FGB

Springer Handbook of Robotics

Lo scorso 5 febbraio, a Washington, D.C., la Professional and Scholarly Division della Association of American Publishers, l’Associazione degli Editori Americani, ha annunciato i vincitori dei prestigiosi American Publishers Awards for Professional and Scholarly Excellence per il 2008, chiamati “PROSE Awards 2008” che, nel campo dell’editoria professionale e scientifica americana, sono l’equivalente dei premi Oscar. ... Springer Handbook of Robotics

Fiorella Operto

‘Taking European Knowledge Society Seriously’ Italian Edition

The mission of the Giannino Bassetti Foundation is to promote responsibility in innovation and specifically to foster responsibly innovative processes. Today, the growing role of techno-science in society calls for responsibly innovative ways of governing it: there is a need to operate a convergence between the notions of citizens’ rights, new ways of governing science ... ‘Taking European Knowledge Society Seriously’ Italian Edition

Redazione FGB

Innovation and Politics

We publish “Innovation and politics”, the second lesson of Piero Bassetti for the Cross-sectional Course of Epistemology of the scientific and technical search of the Politecnico of Milan. A lesson gave in the February of 2006, that will published from Mondadori. This publication follows the previous lesson “La responsabilità nell’innovazione“, that you can find in ... Innovation and Politics

Piero Bassetti
Redazione FGB