REINFORCING: al via la seconda Call

Supportare l’adozione di approcci ORRI (Open Responsible Research and Innovation) nell’area dei Balcani. È questo l’obiettivo che si pone la seconda call lanciata nella cornice di REINFORCING, il progetto Horizon Europe coordinato da Angela Simone per Fondazione Bassetti. Il bando di finanziamento è volto a sostenere i candidati che sono alle prime armi con l’approccio ... REINFORCING: al via la seconda Call

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REINFORCING: verso l’hub europeo sull’Open Responsible Research and Innovation

Costruire l’hub di riferimento a livello europeo sull’Open Responsible Research Innovation (ORRI): è questo l’ambizioso obiettivo di REINFORCING, il progetto europeo finanziato nell’ambito di Horizon Europe, che Fondazione Bassetti si è avviata a coordinare a partire dal gennaio 2023. Grazie a un consorzio composto da 11 partners di lunga esperienza nell’ambito dell’ORRI e della progettazione ... REINFORCING: verso l’hub europeo sull’Open Responsible Research and Innovation

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Assessing emerging technologies – Towards an integrated approach

On December 2nd 2014, in Brussels, Belgium, the EST-Frame project will hold its final Conference. The EST Frame Project the EST-Frame project is an FP7 Science and Society Collaborative Project (funded the European Union’s Research and Innovation Program) that has ‘identified needs for more integrated assessment of emerging science and technologies’. The Assessing emerging technologies ... Assessing emerging technologies – Towards an integrated approach

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Strengthening Responsible Research and Innovation

Last month the EU Directorate-General for Research and Innovation published a report entitled “Options for Strengthening Responsible Research and Innovation: Report of the Expert Group on the State of Art in Europe on Responsible Research and Innovation”. The report is meant to set out and discuss 4 possible policy option developments regarding the EU position ... Strengthening Responsible Research and Innovation

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Late Lessons from Early Warnings

Last month the European Union published its long awaited report “Late Lessons from Early Warnings 2. Science, precaution, innovation“, a follow on after more than a decade from the first report of the same name. This is an enormous document of moire than 650 pages, extremely detailed and interesting, but a little difficult to navigate ... Late Lessons from Early Warnings

Jonathan Hankins