New directions in the anthropology of entrepreneurship: beyond social embeddedness

Long-time Bassetti Foundation collaborator Cristina Grasseni recently presented a paper at the European Association of Social Anthropology (EASA) conference in Barcelona, held between 18-26 July.  The conference theme was ‘Doing and Undoing with Anthropology’, with Grasseni participating in a full-day panel entitled New directions in the anthropology of entrepreneurship: beyond social embeddedness convened by Joost ... New directions in the anthropology of entrepreneurship: beyond social embeddedness

Redazione FGB

Entrepreneurship and Technical Change, a Book Review

At the Bassetti Foundation we believe that responsibility in innovation must lie in the process, and therefore with the entrepreneur. From this point of view the 2011 publication entitled Entrepreneurship and Technological Change (published by Edward Elgar) offers insight and analysis into the influence of entrepreneurship upon technical change and innovation. The book is divided ... Entrepreneurship and Technical Change, a Book Review

Jonathan Hankins