La tua ricerca per "artificial intelligence" ha prodotto 77 risultati

12 risultati di 77

Ninth Annual Winter School on Emerging Technologies: Accelerating Impactful Scholarship

The Ninth Annual Winter School on Emerging Technologies: Accelerating Impactful Scholarship supported by The National Nanotechnology Coordinated Infrastructure and run by the School for the Future of Innovation in Society at Arizona State University will take place between 3-10 January. THE DEADLINE FOR APPLICATIONS IS MONDAY NOVEMBER 8, 2021. The Winter School will give junior ... Ninth Annual Winter School on Emerging Technologies: Accelerating Impactful Scholarship

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Junior Research Group Leader for the Interchange Forum for Reflecting on Intelligent Systems (IRIS).

The University of Stuttgart invites applications for a Junior Research Group Leader for the Interchange Forum for Reflecting on Intelligent Systems (IRIS). IRIS is inviting an excellent and experienced early career researcher to apply for a 4-year Junior Research Group Leader position to complement and expand our research activities. The focus of the new Junior ... Junior Research Group Leader for the Interchange Forum for Reflecting on Intelligent Systems (IRIS).

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Artificial Intelligence for a Better Future – Book Review

Artificial Intelligence for a Better Future. An Ecosystem Perspective on the Ethics of AI and Emerging Digital Technologies is the latest book from Bernd Carsten Stahl, and part of the Springer Briefs in Research and Governance series (see also this review of Katharina Jarmai’s book in the same collection). Regular readers will know the author’s ... Artificial Intelligence for a Better Future – Book Review

Jonathan Hankins

Bernd Carsten Stahl launches his new Open Access book, 28 April 2021.

In his new book Artificial Intelligence for a Better Future, An Ecosystem Perspective on the Ethics of AI and Emerging Digital Technologies, Bernd Carsten Stahl raises the question of how we can we harness the benefits of artificial intelligence (AI), while addressing potential ethical and human rights risks. The author (whom regular readers will know) ... Bernd Carsten Stahl launches his new Open Access book, 28 April 2021.

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Notes from the SIENNA Project Final Conference

In the following notes I would like to offer my personal thoughts on the conference experience. The final conference from the SIENNA Project was held online, between 10 – 12 March 2021. DAY 1 The opening morning was dedicated to an introduction to the project and overview of findings in the project’s 3 main emerging ... Notes from the SIENNA Project Final Conference

Jonathan Hankins

Research Assistant (PostDoc) Berliner Hochschulen

Stellenticket Technische Universität Berlin Research Assistant (PostDoc) Berliner Hochschulen Working field: Research in the project “Methodology of the Synthetic Approach”, which investigates the collaboration between natural scientists and engineers in the Clusters of Excellence “Science of Intelligence”: – Preparation, carrying out and analysis of expert interviews and field observations – Content analysis of text documents ... Research Assistant (PostDoc) Berliner Hochschulen

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Five Open Questions about the Post Covid 19 World.

For the first time, humanity in its entirety is having to face glocal problems: a pandemic virus, the ecological survival of the planet, life with artificial intelligence, how to deal with the infinite space of the big bang. The historical role of those who inhabit our Earth is changing, as she no longer unconditionally agrees ... Five Open Questions about the Post Covid 19 World.

Piero Bassetti

The SIENNA Project. Webinar on technology, legal issues and human rights challenges 5 March 2020

The SIENNA project addresses ethical issues in three new and emerging technology areas: human genomics, human enhancement and human-machine interaction. These areas all come with major socio-economic impact and raise issues related to human rights, the project aiming to identify and assess ethical issues and risks and produce three ethical frameworks. The SIENNA project has ... The SIENNA Project. Webinar on technology, legal issues and human rights challenges 5 March 2020

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A look back at 2019

As readers who follow the Bassetti Foundation regularly will know, 2019 was an important year for all of those involved in promoting and discussing responsibility in innovation across our network. In this post we offer a taster, hoping to wet some appetites for the coming year and decade. SERIES Several series of events ran across ... A look back at 2019

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International Handbook on Responsible Innovation: An Overview

July of 2019 sees the release of the International Handbook on Responsible Innovation. A Global Resource, edited by René von Schomberg and myself, Jonathan Hankins. The Handbook represents the largest collection so far put together in the field of Responsible Innovation, with 64 authors offering 36 chapters and interviews covering much of the globe and ... International Handbook on Responsible Innovation: An Overview

Jonathan Hankins

The International Handbook on Responsible Innovation

The Bassetti Foundation is delighted to announce the forthcoming release of the International Handbook on Responsible Innovation – A Global Resource, edited by René von Schomberg and our own Jonathan Hankins. The Handbook constitutes a global resource for the fast-growing interdisciplinary research and policy communities addressing the challenge of driving innovation towards socially desirable outcomes. ... The International Handbook on Responsible Innovation

Jonathan Hankins

Wageningen University (NL) Post-doc Position

A position is available for a post-doc with expertise in the field of artificial intelligence, responsible innovation and/or technology adoption, for an NWO funded research project that will be executed in a collaboration between the Learning Science Group and the Philosophy Group at Wageningen University (The Netherlands) and private partners. The committee is particularly interested ... Wageningen University (NL) Post-doc Position

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