Consuming Genomes: Constructing the Genetic Consumer in the United States

On May 16th 2011 Margaret Curnutte gave her talk at the Foundation premises on “Consuming Genomes: Constructing the Genetic Consumer in the United States” as part of her Harvard Bassetti scholarship. DIY genetic testing poses many questions that regard the governance of technologies but also how social and cultural norms co-evolve with the history of ... Consuming Genomes: Constructing the Genetic Consumer in the United States

Scienza e Governance

The relationships between science and society are at the centre of a European project aimed at building a “knowledge based society” but they also represent an extremely problematic element. The controversies mainly involve the theme of scientific-technological innovation and in particular responsibility taking for innovative choices and their consequences. This debate often runs the risk ... Scienza e Governance

Mariachiara Tallacchini

Sustainable Medicine: Two Models of Health Care

Lecture at Università Cattolica in Milan, organised by the Giannino Bassetti Foundation – 21 February 2005 Nothing is so common these days, and actually for many years now, than talk of the need for health care reform. There is hardly a country in the world where one can not find such a discussion, and often ... Sustainable Medicine: Two Models of Health Care

Redazione FGB

Sapere, fare, potere. Verso un’innovazione responsabile

“Sapere, fare, potere, Verso un’innovazione responsabile” is the title of the volume, edited by Massimiano Bucchi and published by Rubbettino, that brings together the lectures organised by the Giannino Bassetti Foundation (FGB) between 2002 and 2005. The volume contains the papers by US bioethicist Daniel Callahan, French philosopher and sociologist Bruno Latour and Columbia University ... Sapere, fare, potere. Verso un’innovazione responsabile