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Author, Speaker
NOvation. A Position Paper from René von Schomberg
NOvation. Critical Studies of Innovation As is tradition at the Bassetti Foundation, in this article we propose a little ‘light’ reading for the summer break. The latest edition of NOvation is a special issue that opens with a position paper by René von Schomberg entitled Towards a New Ethos of Science or a Reform of ... NOvation. A Position Paper from René von Schomberg
Longevity: Now Available in Cans!
Longevity: Now Available in Cans! A Performance Lecture Approach to Addressing Longevity Issues from A Responsible Innovation Perspective is the latest research article from Bassetti Foundation collaborators Jonathan and Angelo Hankins. The publication appears in Glocalism: Journal of Culture, Politics and innovation, and is the result of a call for papers focusing on longevity and ... Longevity: Now Available in Cans!
Datafied Childhoods: Data Practices and Imaginaries in Children’s Lives
Datafied Childhoods: Data Practices and Imaginaries in Children’s Lives from Giovanna Mascheroni and Andra Siibak is dedicated to describing and critiquing practices of datafication that sustain what Shoshana Zuboff calls surveillance capitalism. Datafication is described as both an outcome and an intensifier of deep mediatization: an outcome, as almost all social action and interaction is ... Datafied Childhoods: Data Practices and Imaginaries in Children’s Lives
Researcher Position at AIT
AIT Austrian Institute of Technology is seeking to fill a vacancy for an experienced researcher at its Center for Innovation Systems and Policy. AIT is Austria’s largest applied public research organization, with its Center for Innovation Systems and Policy doing research and advising national and regional authorities as well as European institutions on matters of ... Researcher Position at AIT
Glocalism. Ten Years of Culture, Politics and Innovation
To celebrate the ten-year anniversary of Glocalism: Journal of Culture, Politics and Innovation, Piero Bassetti (President of the Bassetti Foundation and Globus and Locus) and Davide Cadeddu (Editor in Chief of Glocalism) have edited an open access collection of articles for publication through Milan University Press. In the editorial that precedes this collection, Bassetti, Cadeddu ... Glocalism. Ten Years of Culture, Politics and Innovation
Looking back on 2023
2023 was our busiest and most exciting year to date. It saw the launch of the new Fondazione Bassetti website, the development of a host of new and long-established collaborations, the culmination of our participation in one major EU funded project and the start of a new and exciting research and innovation support project, and ... Looking back on 2023
Collaboration with the International School Utrecht
In November the Bassetti Foundation renewed its collaboration with the International School Utrecht, as Jonathan Hankins delivered a series of lessons for the Diploma Program Theory of Knowledge course and within the school’s English language hub. The lessons aimed to offer a different perspective on ethics. Rather than being thought of as an abstract idea, ... Collaboration with the International School Utrecht
Comunicato stampa – Trent’anni di Fondazione Bassetti
La realizzazione dell’improbabile Trent’anni di Fondazione Giannino Bassetti Milano, lunedì 18 dicembre, dalle 10.30 alle 13.00 presso MEET Digital Cultural Center – Viale Vittorio Veneto 2, Milano COMUNICATO STAMPA Milano, 5 dicembre 2023 – Sarà l’occasione per dare inizio al trentennale di Fondazione Giannino Bassetti l’evento presso il MEET Digital Cultural Center di Milano. L’atto ... Comunicato stampa – Trent’anni di Fondazione Bassetti
Inauguriamo i 30 anni di Fondazione Giannino Bassetti
NEWS – Titola “La realizzazione dell’improbabile – 30 anni di Fondazione Giannino Bassetti” la mattinata del 18 dicembre 2023 al MEET Digital Culture Center e tutti i nostri amici, affezionati e curiosi sono invitati a parteciparvi! (vedi il programma) «Innovare è il modo in cui sapere e potere si combinano per modificare la storia». Così ... Inauguriamo i 30 anni di Fondazione Giannino Bassetti
Per un futuro inclusivo: Future for all, workshop
STEP FuturAbility District organizza il workshop Future for all: per un futuro inclusivo, Martedì 21 Novembre 2023 Anticipare il futuro, definire le diversità a venire (proiettandosi al 2033), ma anche le paure e le opportunità, significa disegnare spazi, servizi, ecosistemi di prodotti che siano accessibili a tutte le persone. E per essere a prova di ... Per un futuro inclusivo: Future for all, workshop
Editoria e Innovazione. Un bando di dottorato.
Nell’ambito del Dottorato di Interesse Nazionale in Scienze del Patrimonio Culturale coordinato dalla Scuola di Dottorato dell’Università degli Studi di Roma Tor Vergata è previsto anche per quest’anno il curriculum Editoria e Innovazione: contenuti, processi, tecnologie. L’obiettivo è formare ricercatori e professionisti altamente qualificati in grado di ideare, sviluppare e gestire idee progettuali per un ... Editoria e Innovazione. Un bando di dottorato.
Art in responsible innovation. A conversation with Mireia Bes Garcia and Oliver Langdon
This edition of Art in Responsible Innovation features Mireia Bes Garcia from Bristol University and Oliver Langdon of Kilter Theatre in conversation with Jonathan Hankins. The University of Bristol Public Engagement team and Kilter Theatre have collaborated several times over the last decade, working on immersive theatre projects on quantum/virtual reality and synthetic biology. In ... Art in responsible innovation. A conversation with Mireia Bes Garcia and Oliver Langdon