I dialoghi di Fondazione Bassetti: our podcast

Many of our closest friends, those who are able to attend our meetings in Milan or who participate in our dialogues through social media, will already know that every seminar, meeting and lecture is documented using video and photography. We have recently added a podcast – called I dialoghi di Fondazione Bassetti – facility in ... I dialoghi di Fondazione Bassetti: our podcast

Redazione FGB

Innovation, Responsibility and Medicine: interview with Daniel Callahan

(April 20, 2005) Cristina Grasseni Let’s start with a question that is relevant to the aims and interests of the FGB, which is discussing responsibility in innovation. How would you relate it to your own interests? Daniel Callahan I have long had a fascination with technology and particularly its power to change the way we ... Innovation, Responsibility and Medicine: interview with Daniel Callahan

Cristina Grasseni

MEET Ryan Janzen

#meetJanzen Con Ryan Janzen, scienziato, ingegnere ed artista canadese, prosegue il ciclo Around Mobility, un semestre di ricerca e disseminazione co-creato da MEET e Fondazione Giannino Bassetti che ha il supporto di Repower e Politecnico di Milano. Janzen è co-fondatore e CTO di TransPod, realtà che progetta veicoli ad altissima velocità capaci di spostare passeggeri ... MEET Ryan Janzen

Redazione FGB

Collaboration with MEET, Georges Amar

The Bassetti Foundation collaboration with MEET Meet the Media Guru begins from the starting point of the White Paper Responsibility driven design for the future self-driving society, through a series of meetings following the established MtMG model. The first appointment is with Georges Amar, Lecturer in design and Innovation at l’Ecole de Mines ParisTech and ... Collaboration with MEET, Georges Amar

Redazione FGB

Comincia la collaborazione con MEET: incontro con Georges Amar

La collaborazione di Fondazione Giannino Bassetti con MEET Meet the Media Guru comincia nel solco del White Paper Responsibility driven design for the future self-driving society, attraverso una serie di incontri secondo il modello di MtMG. Il primo appuntamento è con Georges Amar, docente di design e innovazione all’Ecole de Mines ParisTech e autore del ... Comincia la collaborazione con MEET: incontro con Georges Amar

Redazione FGB

Trust in expert knowledge in medicine and Technoscience. A meeting with Silvia Camporesi

Thoughts on Bioethics, public communication and participation. Index: report, video, slides, paper, photos. From health to technoscience, and from medicine to politics: trust in expert knowledge is progressively falling. This is a global phenomena, sitting intertwined within a complex relational system whose themes are public communication and participation, individual and collective narratives and power. But ... Trust in expert knowledge in medicine and Technoscience. A meeting with Silvia Camporesi

Redazione FGB

Game-changing innovations and responsibility. A dialogue with David Guston.

On November, 14th, The Fondazione Bassetti had the honor to host Professor David Guston, Founding Director of the School for the Future of Innovation in Society and Co-Director of the Institute for the Future of Innovation in Society Arizona State University. Professor Guston spoke on Synbio and he held a lecture titled “From Frankenstein to ... Game-changing innovations and responsibility. A dialogue with David Guston.

Angela Simone
Redazione FGB

From Taylorism to Tailor Made

The high point of todays eventful day was without a shadow of a doubt the exceptional conference at the symposium. The symposium, boasting a splendid view of the Golden Gate, Alcatraz and San Francisco Bay in general, was the perfect canvas on which to paint the picture of Innovating with Beauty. The conference got off ... From Taylorism to Tailor Made

Francesco Bassetti

Risk and Responsibility in Innovation. Lecture by Michael Bruch on streaming

Fondazione Giannino Bassetti, Allianz SpA e Università Bocconi co-promuovono il convegno “Risk and Responsibility in Innovation”, che si svolgerà (con servizio di interpretariato), a Milano in Università Bocconi, Aula N03, Piazza Sraffa 11 il 27 novembre 2012 a partire dalle ore 9:30. (Aggiornamento del 4 gennaio 2013: Questa pagina è obsoleta. I materiali video, foto ... Risk and Responsibility in Innovation. Lecture by Michael Bruch on streaming

Redazione FGB

Risk and Responsibility in Innovation. Lecture by Michael Bruch

Fondazione Giannino Bassetti, Allianz, Università Bocconi present: Innovation driven by technoscience has overturned the concept of risk. Today, those dealing with it are forced into thinking about consequences: from insurance companies, that take on risk as their mission and ask if the traditional model – precedence and probability modelling – should stand side by side ... Risk and Responsibility in Innovation. Lecture by Michael Bruch

Redazione FGB

Consuming Genomes: Constructing the Genetic Consumer in the United States

On May 16th 2011 Margaret Curnutte gave her talk at the Foundation premises on “Consuming Genomes: Constructing the Genetic Consumer in the United States” as part of her Harvard Bassetti scholarship. DIY genetic testing poses many questions that regard the governance of technologies but also how social and cultural norms co-evolve with the history of ... Consuming Genomes: Constructing the Genetic Consumer in the United States

Scienza e Governance

The relationships between science and society are at the centre of a European project aimed at building a “knowledge based society” but they also represent an extremely problematic element. The controversies mainly involve the theme of scientific-technological innovation and in particular responsibility taking for innovative choices and their consequences. This debate often runs the risk ... Scienza e Governance

Mariachiara Tallacchini