Almost Humans: Robotics, Healthcare and STS. Call for Applications

Call for Applications 4th STS Italia Summer School September 5th- 9th, 2017 Catania, Italy STS Italia, the Italian Society of Science and Technology Studies – in collaboration with the Department of Political and Social Sciences and the Department of Mathematics and Informatics of the University of Catania is organizing its 4th Summer School, “Almost Human: ... Almost Humans: Robotics, Healthcare and STS. Call for Applications

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War Machines: Recruiting Robots For Combat

Last week an article appeared in The New York Times entitled “War Machines: Recruiting Robots For Combat”. The article addresses a problem that has been debated on this site in the past, that of the ethical considerations that the development of this type of military machine provokes. Military sources are quoted as stating that the ... War Machines: Recruiting Robots For Combat

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La guerra dei robot al Festival della Scienza di Genova

Si è aperto oggi il Festival della Scienza di Genova che, come ogni anno, trasforma ogni vicolo della città portuale in un porto per parlare di Scienza. Del programma ricchissimo di eventi di alto livello vogliamo segnalare il “dialogo internazionale” tra Gianmarco Veruggio e Noel Sharkey, dal titolo “La guerra dei robot” (5 novembre 2010). ... La guerra dei robot al Festival della Scienza di Genova

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The Mechanisation Of Empathy In Health Care

Venerdì 18 e sabato 19 settembre 2010, presso l’Università di Bergamo, si svolgerà il workshop internazionale “The Mechanisation Of Empathy In Health Care”. La giornata del venerdì sarà dedicata al tema “Technology And Empathy In Health Care” e vedrà come ospiti Yoko Matsubara, Kaname Uemura e Tomoo Hidaka della Ritsumeikan University e Stefano Tomelleri dell’Università ... The Mechanisation Of Empathy In Health Care

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Arrivano i robot

Fra luglio e agosto la roboetica è stata più volte protagonista sulle pagine dei giornali e sui siti web, anche perché diversi robot dalle fattezze umane o somiglianti ad animali sono giunti a un livello di sviluppo tale da far notizia anche per un pubblico di non esperti. Queste macchine sono state progettate e costruite ... Arrivano i robot

Margherita Fronte

Scienza in rete: il senso dei robot

La scienza in rete è un sito aperto dal Gruppo 2003 per la ricerca scientifica, una associazione che riunisce ricercatori e scienziati italiani tra i più citati nella letteratura scientifica. Al sito sono anche collegati alcuni canali nei principali social networks (Facebook, Twitter, Youtube, iTunes…), attraverso cui seguire l’attività di divulgazione, promozione e sviluppo del ... Scienza in rete: il senso dei robot

Tommaso Correale Santacroce

A Little Ethical Light Reading for the holidays

Richard G Epstein works in the Department of Computer Science, West Chester University of PA, where he teaches courses on computer science, software engineering and computer security and ethics. His university home page provides access to some of his publications, and I would like to have a look at three of them. I should say ... A Little Ethical Light Reading for the holidays

Jonathan Hankins

Will Machines Outsmart Humans?

This week the New York Times published an interesting article entitled Scientists Worry That Machines May Outsmart Man, written by John Markoff, their Silicon Valley Reporter. The author sites a meeting that recently took place on February 25th 2009 in the Asilomar Conference Grounds on Monterey Bay in California between leading computer scientists, artificial intelligence ... Will Machines Outsmart Humans?

Jonathan Hankins

Understanding Complexity: a Journey through Science

The CSI-Piemonte Technical-Scientific Committee is organizing the Convention “Understanding complexity: a journey through science” to be held on November 22nd-23th 2007 in Turin. The conference is promoted with support of the ISI Foundation and aims to help us reflect on complexity as something to be valued, and an intrinsic feature of natural, social and technological ... Understanding Complexity: a Journey through Science

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