Of flies and forests: putting laboratory work in its social context (part 2)

…Prosegue dal precedente post… CG That’s a very interesting context because usually, when we think about public understanding of science or media exposure of a scientific discovery, it’s always thought of as something monolithic, and the term of comparison is by a kind of implicit definition western society. Very rarely one takes into consideration that ... Of flies and forests: putting laboratory work in its social context (part 2)

Of flies and forests: putting laboratory work in its social context (part 1)

In questa intervista a Sophie Houdart realizzata al Centre Culturel International di Cerisy-La-Salle (Francia, luglio 2006), durante il seminario “L’anthropologie historique de la raison scientifique” diretto da Philippe Descola e Bruno Latour, abbiamo discusso dei molti collegamenti tra l’etnografia della scienza e l’innovazione responsabile. Il lavoro di Sophie Houdart mette in luce molte importanti categorie, ... Of flies and forests: putting laboratory work in its social context (part 1)