La società del rischio

di Giuseppe O. Longo Per una concomitanza curiosa e forse significativa, nel 1986, proprio nell’anno passato tristemente agli annali per la catastrofe di Chernobyl, il sociologo tedesco Ulrich Beck pubblicò un libro destinato ad avere grande risonanza: La società del rischio. Beck sosteneva che nella seconda metà del Novecento la natura dei rischi tecnologici ha ... La società del rischio

Giuseppe O. Longo

Science and Governance: the EU report on Science and Governance presented at FGB

The Giannino Bassetti Foundation deals with the problem of innovation and specifically with the responsibility that should guide innovative processes. Piero Bassetti defined innovation as the realisation of the improbable. “Improbable” refers to uncertainty, doubt and risk, things that are beyond our control and therefore require that we think twice about our responsibility. The sociologist ... Science and Governance: the EU report on Science and Governance presented at FGB

Science and Governance: il rapporto della Commissione Europea presentato alla FGB

I temi di cui si occupa la Fondazione Giannino Bassetti sono l’innovazione e la responsabilità che dovrebbe guidare i processi innovativi. Piero Bassetti ha definito l’innovazione come la realizzazione dell’improbabile. Nel termine “improbabile” ritroviamo i riferimenti all’incertezza, al dubbio, al rischio, a ciò che può sfuggire al controllo e quindi alla responsabilità. Il sociologo della ... Science and Governance: il rapporto della Commissione Europea presentato alla FGB

Valentina Porcellana

Verso una società democratica della conoscenza – innovazione e partecipazione

(In English) Verso una società democratica della conoscenza – innovazione e partecipazione Temi di interesse socio-politico come il rischio e l’incertezza, lo sviluppo sostenibile, il principio di precauzione e la biodiversità sono considerati spesso come oggetti neutri conoscibili solamente attraverso gli strumenti della scienza e della tecnologia. Ma l’essenza e le conseguenze di questi temi ... Verso una società democratica della conoscenza – innovazione e partecipazione

Giuseppe Pellegrini

Towards a New Model of Management for the Governance of Innovation. Taking Stock and Looking Ahead

Over the past few years the blog ‘Innovation, Risk and Governance’ has explored a variety of topics, but it is possible to identify two core (although not always necessarily related) themes. One is the question of the regulation and risk communication of innovation, which include also risk regulation and governance in relation to a) bio- ... Towards a New Model of Management for the Governance of Innovation. Taking Stock and Looking Ahead

Comunicazione dell’innovazione

di Piero Bassetti (Il seguente articolo è stato pubblicato su “Impresa & Stato” n.76, luglio-settembre 2006) Tema importante quello che ci è stato assegnato: "se la libera circolazione dei saperi possa dare valore all’innovazione e se possa essere preferita ad altri strumenti quali il brevetto e il segreto industriale"! Ma anche tema assai difficile se ... Comunicazione dell’innovazione

Piero Bassetti

Which responsibility? – part 1- …This call for comments continues in the next entry…

The ambitious goal of this call is that of initiating an exploration of possible ways of reflecting on the concepts of responsibility and innovation, without losing sight of the social, political and economic contexts that grant a concrete and pragmatic scope to the mission of the Bassetti Foundation. When we mention the responsibility of innovation, ... Which responsibility? – part 1- …This call for comments continues in the next entry…

Reflecting on the Risk and Sustainability of Innovation in Medicine and Healthcare

The often mentioned need to innovate and reform health systems is the consequence of three main aspects affecting modern societies. An aging population, changes in technology and the reduction of the availability of financial resources for welfare programmes. Let us explore each in turn. An aging population means that the statistical probability of the increase ... Reflecting on the Risk and Sustainability of Innovation in Medicine and Healthcare

Innovation, Knowledge and Intellectual Property: the Risks of WTO Regulations

Intellectual property is the cornerstone of the modern knowledge economy. Digital information resources, from software to ideas and other creative works, databases, etc… are notoriously characterised by massive fixed costs of original production and low marginal costs of reproduction. One of the main forms of intellectual property, the patent – a temporary monopoly designed to ... Innovation, Knowledge and Intellectual Property: the Risks of WTO Regulations

Conceptualising Risk: A theoretical and practical agenda

To my concern, this Blog has been on-line for nearly one year without none of the readers signaling a very important element: what is this all about? Similarly to the report on ‘Governing the Innovation’ this is the second of a series of posts which will define the ways in which terms are used and ... Conceptualising Risk: A theoretical and practical agenda