A Matter of Design: Designing for Reproductive and Regenerative Ethics

(Continua dal precedente post su “A Matter of Design”) Fondazione Giannino Bassetti ha contribuito all’organizzazione della 5th STS Italia Conference “A Matter of Design. Making Society through Science & Technology”, che si è svolta a Milano tra il 12 e il 14 giugno 2014, in collaborazione con il Politecnico di Milano Doctoral School in Design. ... A Matter of Design: Designing for Reproductive and Regenerative Ethics

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A Matter of Design: Designing for Reproductive and Regenerative Ethics

(continued from previous post on “A Matter of Design”) Fondazione Giannino Bassetti contributed to the organization of the 5th STS Italia Conference “A Matter of Design. Making Society through Science & Technology“, that was held in Milan, Italy, June 12 through 14, 2014, in collaboration with the Politecnico di Milano Doctoral School in Design. We ... A Matter of Design: Designing for Reproductive and Regenerative Ethics

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A Matter of Design: Imagined and Invented Worlds

(continued from previous post) Fondazione Giannino Bassetti contributed to the organization of the 5th STS Italia Conference “A Matter of Design. Making Society through Science & Technology“, that was held in Milan, Italy, June 12 through 14, 2014, in collaboration with the Politecnico di Milano Doctoral School in Design. We make available the video of ... A Matter of Design: Imagined and Invented Worlds

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A Matter of Design: Imagined and Invented Worlds

(Continua dal precedente post) Fondazione Giannino Bassetti ha contribuito all’organizzazione della 5th STS Italia Conference “A Matter of Design. Making Society through Science & Technology”, che si è svolta a Milano tra il 12 e il 14 giugno 2014, in collaborazione con il Politecnico di Milano Doctoral School in Design. La sessione plenaria del 14 ... A Matter of Design: Imagined and Invented Worlds

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A Matter of Design: Everyday Life

(continued from previous post) Fondazione Giannino Bassetti contributed to the organization of the 5th STS Italia Conference “A Matter of Design. Making Society through Science & Technology“, that was held in Milan, Italy, June 12 through 14, 2014, in collaboration with the Politecnico di Milano Doctoral School in Design. We make available the video of ... A Matter of Design: Everyday Life

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A Matter of Design: Everyday Life

(Continua dal precedente post) Fondazione Giannino Bassetti ha contribuito all’organizzazione della 5th STS Italia Conference “A Matter of Design. Making Society through Science & Technology”, che si è svolta a Milano tra il 12 e il 14 giugno 2014, in collaborazione con il Politecnico di Milano Doctoral School in Design. La sessione plenaria del 13 ... A Matter of Design: Everyday Life

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A Matter of Design: Our Common Future

STS Italia – The Italian Society for Social Studies of Science and Technology was founded in 2005 to build up an Italian network of researchers oriented to study Science and Technology starting from the social dynamics which characterize and interweave science and technology themselves. Nowadays the field of Science and Technology Studies (STS) represents a ... A Matter of Design: Our Common Future

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A Matter of Design: Our Common Future

STS Italia – Società Italiana di Studi su Scienza e Tecnologia nasce nel 2005 con l’intenzione di creare un network italiano di ricercatrici e ricercatori orientati allo studio della scienza e della tecnologia attraverso l’analisi delle dinamiche sociali in cui queste sono avvolte e che a queste fanno da sfondo. Il campo dei Science and ... A Matter of Design: Our Common Future

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