Sheila Jasanoff in FGB

Lunedì 5 maggio la Fondazione Bassetti ha ospitato nella propria sede milanese, il seminario di Sheila Jasanoff, professore di Science and Technology Studies alla Kennedy School of Government della Harvard University, dedicato alle implicazioni politiche degli immaginari sociali della scienza. Il seminario ha anticipato la lectio magistralis che Sheila Jasanoff ha tenuto il 6 maggio ... Sheila Jasanoff in FGB

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Daniel Callahan in FGB

«[…] a change from an infinite to a finite model of medicine would have to embody a different attitude toward human aging and death. Even if it is well understood in daily medical practice that people get old and die, that is by no means the case in the medical research community. In that community ... Daniel Callahan in FGB

Genetic Testing and its Implications: an interview with Dr. Arthur Caplan

Currently, Dr. Caplan is the Emmanuel and Robert Hart Professor of Bioethics, Chair of the Department of Medical Ethics and the Director of the Center for Bioethics at the University of Pennsylvania in Philadelphia. Born in Boston, Caplan did his undergraduate work at Brandeis University, and did his graduate work at Columbia University where he ... Genetic Testing and its Implications: an interview with Dr. Arthur Caplan