Slow food, fast genes: the different timescapes of innovation and responsibility in the anthropology of food (1)

In apertura della rubrica sull’antropologia dell’innovazione ho ritenuto opportuno segnalare ai lettori del sito la recente conferenza annuale dell’Association of Social Anthropologists (ASA), tenutasi ad Aberdeen dal 4 al 7 aprile 2005, sul tema “Creativity and cultural improvisation”. In particolare il panel su “Creativity and temporality”si proponeva di trovare risposte antropologiche alle seguenti questioni (riportate ... Slow food, fast genes: the different timescapes of innovation and responsibility in the anthropology of food (1)

Cristina Grasseni


This space is devoted to the anthropology of innovation and strives to offer both a service to the readers and a scientific contribution. The aim is precisely to try and define this relatively unexplored and undefined field, drawing the readers’ attention to related publications and web sites. The first post is a paper presented at ... Introduction