Per un futuro inclusivo: Future for all, workshop

STEP FuturAbility District organizza il workshop Future for all: per un futuro inclusivo, Martedì 21 Novembre 2023 Anticipare il futuro, definire le diversità a venire (proiettandosi al 2033), ma anche le paure e le opportunità, significa disegnare spazi, servizi, ecosistemi di prodotti che siano accessibili a tutte le persone. E per essere a prova di ... Per un futuro inclusivo: Future for all, workshop

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LIMITS of Computing 2023, call for papers

Last year Foreign Correspondent Jonathan Hankins attended the LIMITS 2022, posting about the experience on the Technology Bloggers platform. The organizers have just published the following call for papers for the 2023 workshop: The LIMITS workshop concerns the role of computing in human societies situated in a world of limits*. This interdisciplinary group of researchers, ... LIMITS of Computing 2023, call for papers

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Research contract named ‘industry 4.0, digital capitalism and their social consequences’.

Selection, based on work to date and interview, for a research contract named “Industry 4.0, digital capitalism and their social consequences” as part of the research programme Bando Regione Toscana POR-FSE 2014-2020 acronym PASSI, research project I4CS. This research contract is financed at 50% from the resources of POR FSE 2014-2020 and is part of ... Research contract named ‘industry 4.0, digital capitalism and their social consequences’.

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Nexus: un workshop tra Corpo e Macchina

Nella due giorni, addetti ai lavori, studenti e semplici curiosi potranno entrare in contatto con le nuove tecnologie trans-umane. Il programma prevede spazi espositivi, workshop, dimostrazioni, tavole rotonde, proiezioni e presentazioni. Fondazione Giannino Bassetti interverrà nella tavola rotonda dal titolo “Superpoteri: i nuovi limiti del corpo umano” alle ore 17 di sabato 4 novembre 2017 ... Nexus: un workshop tra Corpo e Macchina

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CONSIDER Workshop, Civil Society Organisations in Designing Research Governance

CONSIDER, Civil Society Organisations (CSOs) in Designing Research Governance, is an EU FP7 research project that aims to establish a model of CSO participation in research, based on conceptually sound and empirically rich research of best practices. CONSIDER state that they are keen to understand the perspectives of those with experience of working in research ... CONSIDER Workshop, Civil Society Organisations in Designing Research Governance

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Innovare le Politiche di Prevenzione e Contrasto all’Illegalità

In occasione della presentazione degli esiti della ricerca sul settore della logistica condotta da RISSC nell’ambito del progetto “Green Clean Market”, promosso da Transparency International Italia nel quadro del Siemens Integrity Initiative in collaborazione con il Dipartimento della Funzione Pubblica, presso la sede della Fondazione Giannino Bassetti, si tiene un seminario a inviti nell’area-pilota di ... Innovare le Politiche di Prevenzione e Contrasto all’Illegalità

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Rethinking Responsibility in Innovation

On Thursday, May 30, 2013, between 10:00 and 11:30 am The Brookings Institution are holding a public forum to discuss the role of social responsibility in each stage of the innovation process. A panel of experts will discuss the kinds of institutions and incentives that govern innovation and how they shape the behavior of researchers, ... Rethinking Responsibility in Innovation

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How Automation is Changing the Economy, a Debate.

On Thursday September 27th I attended an event hosted by Kara miller of the local TV and radio station WGBH (Western Great Blue Hill) here in Boston. Miller hosts a Radio show that I follow regularly called Innovation Hub, and the event was a live discussion forum entitled “The New Economy: How Automation is Changing ... How Automation is Changing the Economy, a Debate.

Jonathan Hankins