Co-creare la scienza. Dal public engagement alla citizen science

WAVE. Come l’ingegnosità collettiva sta cambiando il mondo Evento del 16 giugno 2015 ore 17.00 Co-creare la scienza. Dal public engagement alla citizen science Palazzo BNP Paribas, Piazza San Fedele 3, Milano Ingresso gratuito (è gradita la registrazione via Eventbrite) Siamo immersi in un grande laboratorio collettivo. Mentre la società domanda più coinvolgimento nei processi ... Co-creare la scienza. Dal public engagement alla citizen science

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The RRI Tools Hubs Meeting

The RRI Tools Hubs Meeting brings to Lisbon around 60 researchers, science communicators, educators and policy makers, from 30 countries, to debate and present concrete examples of Responsible Research and Innovation (RRI) in action. The event is organized by the RRI Tools project, a consortium of 26 institutions that brings together considerable experience in the ... The RRI Tools Hubs Meeting

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RRI Tools is on: jump on board!

The RRI Tools Newsletter is out: jump on board! From the RRI Tools site: EN “RRI Tools: building a better relationship between science and society. Europe wants to promote not only excellent but also socially desirable science and technology: it is vital to align the objectives of research and innovation processes with the needs and ... RRI Tools is on: jump on board!

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