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#Responsible Research and Innovation
Responsible Research and Innovation in the Health Industry
The European Institute of Innovation and Technology, the European Economic and Social Committee and the EU project Responsible-Industry organize a conference “Responsible Research and Innovation in the Health Industry” to be held at the EESC premises, in Brussels, on 18 and 19 May 2017. The conference will discuss how RRI can help to boost innovation ... Responsible Research and Innovation in the Health Industry
Research Group for Responsible Innovation in Oslo: Call for Expressions of Interest
The Research Group for Responsible Innovation in Oslo is looking for for top-class researchers of any nationality (at any stage in their career) in the field of responsible research and innovation, governance of emerging science and technologies or related fields, to apply for a collaborative Marie Sklodowska Curie Individual Fellowship to conduct research at the ... Research Group for Responsible Innovation in Oslo: Call for Expressions of Interest
Turning the tide or surfing the wave?
We publish an excerpt from the paper by Simone Amaldi and Guido Gorgoni in which they explore the political and economic context in which the concept of Responsible Research and Innovation has gained attention and taken shape. — Turning the tide or surfing the wave? Responsible Research and Innovation, fundamental rights and neoliberal virtues. The ... Turning the tide or surfing the wave?
Responsible Research and Innovation (RRI): The Problematic Quest for ‘Right’ Impacts
Between March 10 and 11th the Responsible Research and Innovation (RRI): The Problematic Quest for “Right” Impacts conference takes place in Donostia-San Sebastián. The event has been organized by Arizona State University and the University of the Basque Country UPV/EHU, and regular readers will be familiar with many of the topics and speakers. The conference ... Responsible Research and Innovation (RRI): The Problematic Quest for ‘Right’ Impacts
Responsible Research and Innovation Conference Updates
As readers will know the Responsible Research and Innovation Conference was held on 14 and 15 January 2016 at the EESC in Brussels. The event organizers have now updated the conference website so that it includes downloadable visuals presented by the various speakers at the conference. Speakers included many of the philosophical leaders in the ... Responsible Research and Innovation Conference Updates
Nanotechitaly 2015
With the contribution of experts from industry, government and academic laboratories worldwide, NanotechItaly2015 is designed to showcase nanotechnologies and Key Enabling Technologies related innovations and spotlight applications oriented to fields crucial for economical growth and wellbeing. The Conference aims to illustrate how Responsible Research and Innovation (RRI) principles should guide the development of these technologies ... Nanotechitaly 2015
The RRI Tools Hubs Meeting
The RRI Tools Hubs Meeting brings to Lisbon around 60 researchers, science communicators, educators and policy makers, from 30 countries, to debate and present concrete examples of Responsible Research and Innovation (RRI) in action. The event is organized by the RRI Tools project, a consortium of 26 institutions that brings together considerable experience in the ... The RRI Tools Hubs Meeting
RRI Tools is on: jump on board!
The RRI Tools Newsletter is out: jump on board! From the RRI Tools site: EN “RRI Tools: building a better relationship between science and society. Europe wants to promote not only excellent but also socially desirable science and technology: it is vital to align the objectives of research and innovation processes with the needs and ... RRI Tools is on: jump on board!
A Milano Colloqui per la Scienza
Quali le nuove frontiere delle cure con le cellule staminali? Come si migliorano le terapie oncologiche? Le biotecnologie sono il vero futuro della medicina? Si può invecchiare meglio? A queste e altre domande cerca di rispondere “Colloqui per la Scienza A Milano” il ciclo di incontri che si sta svolgendo a Milano per coinvolgere e ... A Milano Colloqui per la Scienza
European Parliament Forthcoming Responsible Research and Innovation Event
The European Parliament’s Science and Technology Options Assessment Office will be holding a Responsible Research and Innovation event on March 19th, between 14.30 to 17.00. Following an introduction by Italian MEP Vittorio Prodi, MEP, STOA, the presentations will be as follows: – Setting the stage: responsible governance in the context of science, technology and society ... European Parliament Forthcoming Responsible Research and Innovation Event