Un dialogo con Nic Palmarini sulle Longevity Cities

Nic Palmarini, Direttore dello UK National Innovation Center for Ageing (NICA) per lo sviluppo e la promozione di soluzioni innovative dedicate all’invecchiamento, presenterà il proprio lavoro in Fondazione Giannino Bassetti:“Dalle age-friendly alle Longevity Cities. Un cambio di paradigma per ripensare la città alla luce della rivoluzione demografica in corso”, sarà un seminario di approfondimento nel ... Un dialogo con Nic Palmarini sulle Longevity Cities

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The future of One Health. Call for proposal

SoScience is a social company specialized in Responsible Research and Innovation. In partnership with the French National Research Institute for Sustainable Development, we just launched The Future Of One Health. The Future Of programs, recognized by the UN as a good practice to achieve the SDGs, aims to gather 30 to 50 experts (researchers, academics ... The future of One Health. Call for proposal

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Funded PhD: Exploring how evaluation can contribute to digital transformation of health services. University of Edinburgh.

Project Description Improving the quality, safety and efficiency of care with health information technology is an important international strategic priority. Process and outcome evaluations of such technologies are important to maximise their value and demonstrate effectiveness. However, the increasing complexity and scale of health information systems presents new challenges to evaluation, including for example the ... Funded PhD: Exploring how evaluation can contribute to digital transformation of health services. University of Edinburgh.

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Workshop: Innovazione sociale, vulnerabilità e tecnologie nel contesto dell’ageing.

Quella dell’invecchiamento della popolazione è una delle sfide più rilevanti che il nostro Paese dovrà affrontare nei prossimi anni. Per queste ragioni comprendere le diverse dinamiche che contraddistinguono il fenomeno sociale dell’invecchiamento, ed in particolare la dimensione della Long Term Care (LTC) – cioè l’assistenza di lungo periodo per le persone anziane non autosufficienti – ... Workshop: Innovazione sociale, vulnerabilità e tecnologie nel contesto dell’ageing.

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Postdoctoral Associate Position at Cornell University

The Health Communication Research Initiative (HCRI) in the Department of Communication at Cornell University is seeking a colleague to join a vibrant, interdisciplinary research community as a postdoctoral associate. Working closely with Dr. Jeff Niederdeppe, the postdoctoral associate will help to launch the newly formed Health Communication Research Initiative. In this position, the successful candidate ... Postdoctoral Associate Position at Cornell University

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Open Call for Ideas: FABCARE. Design Anything, Make Anywhere, Care Anyone?

Polifactory, all’interno del Progetto Creative Europe Distributed Design Market Platform (www.distributeddesign.eu) lancia l’iniziativa FABCARE. Design Anything, Make Anywhere, Care Anyone. FABCARE è un’iniziativa pensata per stimolare designer, makers e innovatori indipendenti a progettare prodotti open source per il settore healthcare che si possono distribuire su piattaforme digitali e realizzare nei Fab Lab. FABCARE ha l’endorsement ... Open Call for Ideas: FABCARE. Design Anything, Make Anywhere, Care Anyone?

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MakeToCare, un ecosistema emergente nel campo dell’healthcare – presentazione.

Mercoledì 21 Febbraio 2018, ore 18, Fondazione Giannino Bassetti avrà il piacere di ospitare MakeToCare, un ecosistema emergente nel campo dell’healthcare

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Almost Humans: Robotics, Healthcare and STS. Call for Applications

Call for Applications 4th STS Italia Summer School September 5th- 9th, 2017 Catania, Italy STS Italia, the Italian Society of Science and Technology Studies – in collaboration with the Department of Political and Social Sciences and the Department of Mathematics and Informatics of the University of Catania is organizing its 4th Summer School, “Almost Human: ... Almost Humans: Robotics, Healthcare and STS. Call for Applications

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Innovation, Responsibility and Medicine: Interview with Daniel Callahan

Cristina Grasseni Let’s start with a question that is relevant to the aims and interests of the FGB, which is discussing responsibility in innovation. How would you relate it to your own interests? Daniel Callahan I have long had a fascination with technology and particularly its power to change the way we live our lives, ... Innovation, Responsibility and Medicine: Interview with Daniel Callahan

Cristina Grasseni